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Installs Prow and all components needed to support in on a GKE Kubernetes Cluster.


In order to get Prow up and running on a vanilla GKE Kubernetes cluster one has to install various components. This installer installs everything needed to get a self sustaining Prow installation in a vanilla GKE cluster.


  • PodDisruptionBudgets for all GKE system components such that the AutoScaler works nicely.
  • Drain GKE Preemptible Nodes before GKE takes them away to minimize disruption
    • This means that all Preemptible nodes get recycled every 12-16 hours.
  • Handle Node Termination signals from GKE
    • When GKE sends a SIGTERM to a node, the controller makes sure the node starts draining gracefully to minimize disruption
  • Fetches CredStash Secrets and injects them in the prow and build namespaces
  • Create/Renew TLS Certificates via cert-manager
  • authN's the prow dashboard and other ingress' using GitHub OAuth
  • Create/Update DNS Records using external-dns
  • Provide Ingress using the nginx-ingress-controller
  • Manages Prow and all of its components


The installer will deploy the following packages:

Package Notes Docs
bootstrap contains cluster role bindings for the admin group, storage classes and pod disruption budgets for the smooth operation of the GKE AutoScaler link
gke preemptible killer kills the GKE preemptible nodes before Google reclaims them. This means that instances get recycled every 12 hours or thereabouts link
gke node termination handler watches for a signal from GKE that the node is being killed and gracefully terminates pods on the nodes in question link
credstashoperator allows us to have CredstashSecrets and use them for builds link
cert-manager creates and manages TLS certificates for all ingress and external services link
oauthproxy provides authN to ingress using GitHub OAuth app link
externaldns manages DNS records from ingress link
nginxingress manages an nginx cluster for all ingress' in the cluster link
prow creates all prow components in the cluster link
buildsecrets creates CredstashSecrets for builds link

How to deploy all components

  • make deploy will install all packages in the natural sorting order

How to deploy a specific component

  • make $PACKAGE-deploy where PACKAGE is the package you wish to deploy eg 00-bootstrap

How does this work ?

What is a Package

A package is effectively a folder called number-packagename where number is used for the natural sorting and package name is the package name.

  • values.yaml: contains package related tags, eg:
    namespace: nginx-ingress
      # The name of the Release
      name: peach
      # The chart's name - can also be a URL
      chart: stable/nginx-ingress
      # If using a registry, specify the version. If the chart is a URL, set the version to null
      version: 1.24.4
  • 00-manifests :
    • Contains yaml manifests that get templated using the package's values.yaml and the main one
  • 01-helm :
    • Contains helm chart's values.yaml. Supports templating
  • 02-manifests :
    • Contains yaml manifests that get templated using the package's values.yaml and the main one

How is the Package deployed

  • values.yaml: contains package related tags which are used in the steps below

  • 00-manifests : Runs always first. If it does not exist, its skipped

    • Contents get templated using the package's values.yaml and the main one
    • kubectl apply gets executed
  • 01-helm : Runs always after 00-manifests. If it does not exist, its skipped

    • Contents of 01-helm/values.yaml get templated using the package's values.yaml and the main one
    • Chart gets installed/upgraded using the package's values.yaml helm.[name|version|chart] tags
      • If helm.version is not set then helm.chart is treated as a being a URL
  • 02-manifests : Runs always after 01-helm. If it does not exist, its skipped

    • Contents get templated using the package's values.yaml and the main one
    • kubectl apply gets executed