A Clojure library designed to explore GitHub forks for commits that have not yet been merged into the canonical master, do not have an associated pull request, or do not have an issue filed.
;; Add to project.clj
:dependencies [[osbert/gh-fork-explorer "0.1.0"]]
;; NOTE: This example is pretty useless because there are no forks.
(use 'gh-fork-explorer.core)
;; Build a search index for all forks on osbert/gh-fork-explorer
(defonce lb-index (build-index "osbert" "gh-fork-explorer"))
;; Search through this index looking for commits that mention "tentacle"
(search lb-index "tentacle" 10)
Copyright © 2013 Osbert Feng
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.