description |
Use Redis as a complete real-time messaging broker |
We have introduced the capability for your CFML code to now leverage Redis Publish and Subscribe constructs. This will allow your CFML code to have native messaging via Redis.
{% embed url="" %} Documentation {% endembed %}
Redis Pub/Sub implements the Publish/Subscribe messaging paradigm. This decoupling of publishers and subscribers can allow for greater scalability and a more dynamic network topology.
- Subscribers express interest in one or more channels (literal channels or pattern channels).
- Publishers send messages into channels.
- Redis will push these messages into different subscribers which have matched the channel's message.
In order to leverage this pattern you will use the following two functions:
Function | Description |
RedisPublish( channel, message, cacheName ) |
Publish a message into Redis into a specific channel. Returns how many subscribers are listening to the message and channel. |
RedisSubscribe( subscriber, channels, cacheName ) |
Subscribe to a channel for messages using a closure/lambda or a listener CFC. Returns a future and a subscriber. |
{% hint style="warning" %} Pattern publishing and subscriptions are still not developed yet. {% endhint %}
// Publish Example
<h2>Publishing messages...</h2>
RedisPublish( "test-channel", "Hola mi amigo" );
RedisPublish( "test-channel", "Hola mi amigo2" );
RedisPublish( "test-channel", "Hola mi amigo Redis" );
<h2>Finished publishing messages</h2>
The return of the redisPublish()
function is numeric indicating how many subscribers received the message.
// Subscribe with closure
closureSubscriber = redisSubscribe( ( channel, message ) => {
writeDump( var="Message received on channel, #arguments.message#", output="console" );
}, "test-channel" );
// Subscribe with CFC
cfcSubscriber = redisSubscribe( new Subscriber(), "test-channel" );
<h1>Subscription started!! Check the logs!</h1>
The redisSubscribe()
function returns a struct with two keys in it:
- A completable future that is running your subscriber.subscriber
- The Java Redis subscriber object you can use to inspect the subscription or unsubscribe from the calls via theunsubscribe()
If you will be passing a CFC to the redisSubscribe()
methods then you will need to implement some or all of the following functions.
component {
public void function onMessage( String channel, String message ) {
writeDump( var="Subscriber CFC -> onMessage called :#arguments.toString()#", output="console" );
public void function onPMessage( String pattern, String channel, String message ) {
writeDump( var="Subscriber CFC -> onPMessage called :#arguments.toString()#", output="console" );
public void function onSubscribe( String channel, numeric subscribedChannels ) {
writeDump( var="Subscriber CFC -> onSubscribe called :#arguments.toString()#", output="console" );
public void function onUnsubscribe( String channel, numeric subscribedChannels ) {
writeDump( var="Subscriber CFC -> onUnsubscribe called :#arguments.toString()#", output="console" );
public void function onPUnsubscribe( String pattern, numeric subscribedChannels ) {
writeDump( var="Subscriber CFC -> onPUnsubscribe called :#arguments.toString()#", output="console" );
public void function onPSubscribe( String pattern, numeric subscribedChannels ) {
writeDump( var="Subscriber CFC -> onPSubscribe called :#arguments.toString()#", output="console" );