To assist you in migrating from CBORM, Quick ships with a small compatibility shim. To use it, have your entity extend quick.models.CBORMCompatEntity
. This will map common CBORM methods to their Quick counterparts as well as provide a partial CriteriaBuilder shim. The compatibility shim does not cover differences in properties or relationships.
- list
- countWhere
- deleteById
- deleteWhere
- exists
- findAllWhere
- findWhere
- get
- getAll
- new
- populate
- save
- saveAll
- newCriteria
- getSQL
- between
- eqProperty
- isEQ
- isGT
- gtProperty
- isGE
- geProperty
- idEQ
- like
- ilike
- isIn
- isNull
- isNotNull
- isLT
- ltProperty
- neProperty
- isLE
- leProperty
- maxResults
- firstResult
- order
- list
- get
- count
- onMissingMethod