A theme is composed of the following pieces
- Theme.cfc (The CFC that models and configures your theme implementation)
- layouts (The folder that contains layouts in your theme)
- blog.cfm (Mandatory layout used for all blog views by convention)
- pages.cfm (Mandatory layout used for all pages by convention)
- maintenance.cfm (Optional used when in maintenance mode, else defaults to pages)
- search.cfm (Optional used when doing searches, else defaults to pages)
- views (The folder that contains views for rendering)
- archives.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out blog archives.)
- entry.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out a single blog entry with comments, etc.)
- error.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to display errors when they ocurr in your blog or pages)
- index.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out the home page where all blog entries are rendered)
- notfound.cfm (The view used to display messages to users when a blog entry requested was not found in our system.)
- page.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out individual pages.)
- maintenance.cfm (OPTIONAL: Used when in maintenance mode)
- templates (The folder that contains optional templates for collection rendering that are used using the quick rendering methods in the CB Helper. See below for additional information)
- category.cfm (The template used to display an iteration of entry categories using coldbox collection rendering)
- comment.cfm (The template used to display an iteration of entry or page comments using coldbox collection rendering)
- entry.cfm (The template used to display an iteration of entries in the home page using coldbox collection rendering)
- widgets (A folder that can contain layout specific widgets which override core ContentBox widgets)