Event Gateway Configurations are currently only supported for Adobe ColdFusion. Please contact us if you'd like to sponsor this feature.
cfconfig eventgatewayconfig list
cfconfig eventgatewayconfig list from=serverName
cfconfig eventgatewayconfig list from=/path/to/server/home
To receive the data back as JSON, use the --JSON
cfconfig eventgatewayconfig list --JSON
cfconfig eventgatewayconfig save myType "description of gateway" "java.class" 30 true
cfconfig eventgatewayconfig save type=myType description="description of gateway" class="java.class" starttimeout=30 killontimeout=true to=serverName
cfconfig eventgatewayconfig save type=myType description="description of gateway" class="java.class" starttimeout=30 killontimeout=true to=/path/to/server/home
cfconfig eventgatewayconfig delete myType
cfconfig eventgatewayconfig delete myType serverName
cfconfig eventgatewayconfig delete myType /path/to/server/home