There are three commands to manage datasources.
cfconfig datasource list
cfconfig datasource list from=serverName
cfconfig datasource list from=/path/to/server/home
To receive the data back as JSON, use the --JSON
cfconfig datasource list --JSON
Add a new datasource or update an existing datasource. Existing datasources will be matched based on the name. Valid dbdriver options are
- MSSQL -- SQL Server driver
- MSSQL2 -- jTDS driver
- PostgreSql
- Oracle
- Other -- Custom JDBC URL
cfconfig datasource save name=myDSN dbdriver=mysql host=localhost port=3306 database=myDB username=brad password=foobar
cfconfig datasource save name=myDS ... to=serverName
cfconfig datasource save name=myDS ... to=/path/to/server/home
Identify the datasource uniquely by the name.
cfconfig datasource delete foo
cfconfig datasource delete foo serverName
cfconfig datasource delete foo /path/to/server/home