description |
CBSecurity stores the secured incoming url so you can relocate the user to it after authenticating. |
The security module has the concept of a secured URL which is the actual URL that got intercepted and relocated because of a security exception. This is stored in the request collection as rc._securedURL
and in the ColdBox flash memory as _securedURL
So always remember to use this variable to provide a seamless login experience to your users. You can easily place it in the login form as a hidden field:
#html.startForm( action=prc.xehDoLogin, name="loginForm" )#
<!--- Store the _securedURL so we can use it to relocate -->
#html.hiddenField( name="_securedURL", value=event.getValue('_securedURL','') )#
#html.textfield(name="username",label="Username: ",size="40",required="required",class="textfield",value=prc.rememberMe)#
#html.passwordField(name="password",label="Password: ",size="40",required="required",class="textfield")#
<div id="loginButtonbar">
#html.label(field="rememberMe",content="Remember Me ",class="inline")#
#html.submitButton(value=" Log In ",class="buttonred")#
<img src="#prc.cbRoot#/includes/images/lock.png" alt="lostPassword" />
<a href="#event.buildLink( prc.xehLostPassword )#">Lost your password?</a>
In your login action you can use the secured URL and relocate appropriately:
function doLogin( event, rc, prc ){
if( cbSecure().authenticate( rc.username, rc.password ) ){
rc._securedURL.len() ? relocate( url : rc._securedURL ) : relocate( "admin.dashboard" )