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南沢响也 Hibiya615
南雲鉄虎,随便玩玩,随便画画; 画图预设仓库:


Nao/c clxmochamalefic
will u when i'm gone, remember me?

Tokyo, Japan


not yet not yet

Name: Simeon Bowman Age: 35 years old Business: MOODMNKY LLC

MOODMNKY LLC St Clair Shores, MI

Mathieu Puig mathieu-ui

@Carayon Montpellier

Crusty crustytaco
Just a simple crust doing crusty things.
Gabriel Manfroi gabemanfroi

eDreams ODIGEO Porto - Portugal

Michael GitHixy
Hi there! I'm Michael, a passionate full-stack web developer hailing from the vibrant city of Milan, Italy.

Milan, Italy

Aelys MayakoAelys
C# addict


Ikarus IkarusGhastz
A duder who likes to make things that may or maynot be needed.
deo deoxys3
i love cats and im always tired
Scott Jones scottdj92
Senior Software Engineer

Boston, MA

Ana Cássia Figueiredo Invernizzi ana-cassia-invernizzi
Professional with a degree in Administration, knowledge in Human Resources and currently studying programming language. Dynamic and proactive profile.
Matcha MechanicalLotus
Somewhere in the Aether


Sean Tyson CodeNinjaX87
Content Creator and currently in school for UI/UX Design
ravenloue ravenloue
I love learning new things and believe that knowledge can help me achieve great things.

Colorado, USA

Nay Nayoki
Student at Fontys University of Applied Sciences

The Netherlands

Raphael DDL Oliveira RaphaelDDL
Senior Front-end Developer, Vue.js Enthusiast | @avenuecode | Former @Hotmart-Org @Altitude-sports

@avenuecode Brazil

Katia Chiron kchiron

SNCF Connect Nantes, France

y ioucyf
I ♡ JS.


Benedicto de Jesus bdejesus
Graphic/Web Designer and Front-end Engineer.

San Francisco, CA

Violet Fulton violetfulton
23 years old // she/her

Glasgow, Scotland