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Ari Padrian yolkmonday

@bukakios21 ID

Emin eminos
Web developer @ kiwikiwi.

Stockholm, Sweden

Don Freddy donfreddy
Full-Stack Developer | Passionate about writing clean and maintainable code | Open Source Enthusiast

@neero Douala, Cameroun

Chris Kealley chriskealley

Perth, Western Australia

Wesley Zloza wesleyzloza
Jack of all trades, master of a few. Full stack developer at D3 Technologies, helping companies streamline the sale and engineering of their products.

@arkham-engineering Milwaukee Area

Lee Jae-yeol malkoG
supa dupa kodingwarrior
Leonardo Leite LeonardoLeite
Founder of Fase Consultoria, IT consultant, Web developer and SysAdmin.

Fase Consultoria Recife, Brazil

Nam Dau namdau
Like a rollin' stone.


Thimo Sietsma th1m0

@duurzameoplossing Netherlands

venkat vvsubash

SDE 3 @ Delphic Visakhapatnam

Ömer Aziz ŞAHİN azizs4h
Computer engineer Front end developer


momo lanbomo
Web developer,


King Rule jkingz
Software Developer

JfkrLab Davao City, Philippines

Ngô Tuấn Anh ngotuananh101
Learn Software engineering in FPT University

AnhNT Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Luis A. Guisado PushoDev
✨ Graduado en la especialidad de Informática 🖥️. Apasionado al desarrollo de Software 📱⚙️ y a la Solución de problemas. 😊⭐ 📧[email protected]

@Freelancer Ciudad de Manzanillo, Cuba

Marek Racík m-a-k-o
Laravel, Vue and Django Developer. @marek_racik


Mr.qiang qiang1234zhang
web engineer ,full stack devoloper

wistronits beijing

danny xdannyrobertsx

@apptegy United States

归谜 vhxubo
The techniques are not rules; they are analytical tools.
Mário Varela trupakufi
Software Developper

Digital Boost Luanda, Angola

oiij oiij
even pigs can fly ~


Hope_pdm hopepdm
coding Yeah!

WuHan,SW technology co ltd. China

Eric Stefano ericstefano
I hold a degree in Information Systems from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas) and currently work as a Junior Web Developer.

Avenue Code Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Jore Dierckx Jorckx
Graphic Designer | Webdesigner | Creative coding

Studio.dier Ghent, Belgium

Ilyne ilynejs
Développeur web Fullstack.


GenesisMiuss miuss
🧙🏻 deeply flawed, forever growing


Sayed Tashinoor Rahman SayedTahsin
Software Engineer @appscode

AppsCode Dhaka, Bangladesh

hellozzm hellozzm
from zero to hero