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Hosseinali iamhosseinali
An enthusiastic FPGA developer and a big chocolate consumer.

@Afratether/MahdaSystem Tehran/Qom

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ryutin Konstantin RyutinKonstantin

Laboratory of Infocommunication Networks Saint Petersburg

Salmanul Faris salmanpv
ECE Student

@tkmce Kollam, India

Nguyen Duc Hanh ndhanh2711
The relaxed man

Ha Noi University Of Science and Technology

Frank Luo longluo
A Curious Programmer

Shenzhen, China

Fengyun Zhang cemtech1213

深圳市何处科技有限公司 广东省深圳市南山区创客小镇

Sina Ebrahimi sinaebrahimi

Coventry University Coventry, UK

Priyanshu Mishra Priyanshumishra77
Design Verification Engineer


lq uestclab
wireless communication, Robotics , slam , computer vision

Unemployment China

Nguyễn Như Hải Long long27032002

Ha Noi University of Science and Technology Viet Nam

Johan Engstrand johanengstrand
PhD student in Electronics, GNU Guix enthusiast

Uppsala University Uppsala, Sweden

Niranjan Gopal Niranjan-GopaL
Electronics and Communication Engineering sophomore at International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIITB)

IIITB Bangalore

Steven Muirhead naeayedea
Computer and Electronic Systems Student

Student Scotland

Magnus Oksbøl Therkelsen macnetic
@esa Young Graduate Trainee, Advanced RF Payloads and Remote Sensing Instruments

@esa The Netherlands

Florian Collin FlorianCollin
Engineering student at Enseirb-Matmeca in Electronics, passionate about programming.

France, Bordeaux

李小保 lixb123
1.Je pense, donc je suis;2.La lecture de tous les bons livres est comme une conversation avec les plus honnetes gens des siecles passes;3.eadem mutata resurgo.

Brave New World