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Louí Byrne loby368
Hello, my name is Louí and I'm looking for computer vision and machine learning internships.


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Lucas Wood lucaswood1

Blue Origin Kirkland, WA

Rafael Araujo Lehmkuhl rafaellehmkuhl
Software Engineer. Currently developing the next generation of ground control stations at bluerobotics/cockpit. This cute in my shoulder is called Mocha.

@bluerobotics São José dos Campos - Brasil

George GeorgeKontsevik
I try to do research.

World citizen


Wageninen University Wageningen

Songxi SongxiYoung
PhD student

UW-Madison Madison

Oliver Lopez lopezvoliver
Geospatial data scientist 🛰️

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia

Victor Hugo Rohden Prudente victorohden
PhD Remote Sensing Postdoc - University of Michigan

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Juan Pablo Rivera Caicedo rom101415

Universidad Autonoma de Nayarit Mexico

David McGee blackfob

Richmond BC Canada

LukeHopson LukeHopson
Studying Computer Science at UNC Charlotte.
stets stets

cincinnati, ohio

HOYOUNG SON thsghdud13
GeoInfomatic Engineering & Computer Science Engineering at Inha Univ.


Matic Lubej mlubej
Data scientist at Planet Labs, background in Particle Physics.

EO Research Team @ Sinergise Ljubljana, Slovenia

intrinsic tech intrinsic-tech
Transformational ML, RL, and MLOps services to help you design, build, and operate production-ready products.

Intrinsic Tech

Vikash Kodati vikashkodati
Entrepreneur at, angel investor in AI/space startups, IITGAA Treasurer, space enthusiast, humanitarian, family-focused & PNW nature lover seeking

Godel Space Seattle, WA

Johann Desloires j-desloires
Passionate about leveraging satellite data and machine learning to revolutionize agriculture.


Jakob Miksch JakobMiksch
Geospatial Developer

@siticom Heidelberg, Germany, Europe

Adriana Sato drisato

São Paulo, Brasil

Mehdi SS. Joud MSSJoud
A researcher in satellite geodesy, data fusion, and ML e.g., Attention Mech. Adv. Earth system monitoring through SAR, GRACE, and AI. @zarvanda & @AAUGeodesy.

@aaugeodesy Copenhagen, Denmark

Josh Manto josh-ai2
I am a data science undergraduate student @ Duke University.
Shunan Feng fsn1995
冯树楠 Postdoc at University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen Copenhagen

Paloma Avena palomaavena
Data Analyst | GIS | PD&I | GeoHab | DSPC™ | SFPC™ | BIFPC™
