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Tom Curran tommy3wood
Application Developer

Progressive Cleveland

Logan DevLoggith
Interested in back-end and full-stack development | Always open to constructive feedback

Cleveland, OH

Rell Young Shunder0
I am a entry programmer that works for a freelance company

world Rugby Cleveland

Dan Rerko D2theR
Stack developer that loves: Docker, Django, PostgreSQL, VueJS, VBA, Microsoft Access, Arduino & Rasperry Pi's. I work for a chemical mixing facility.

Polychem Dispersions Inc. Ohio

Eric Yarham eyarham
currently: react/nextjs/mongodb/golang/docker/cicd

Cleveland Heights, OH

Peshmerge peshmerge
NLProc for Northern Kurdish (Kurmanji) Münster

Dro Sohrabian dnsohrabian

City of Cleveland Cleveland, Ohio

Kara Evans ke177409
Laboratory professional turned Data Analyst.

Cleveland, Ohio

Garrett Michael Flynn garrettmflynn
Building user-friendly software @UniversalBrain

Universal Brain Los Angeles, CA

dereq quinn dotswift
git push

Pareto Holdings Hudson, OH USA

Ben Oakland pojOakland

@dsg-tech Phoenix, AZ

Hails haileyhoyat
software developer interested in GovTech and CivicTech.

Cleveland, Ohio

Mike Neal miken-dev

Dennison Creative / Cleveland, Ohio

Brianda Hernandez hernandezforges
Passionate about mutually exchanging knowledge within every experience to create one satisfying life.

@womencodersnetwork, @civictechnologists, @opensacorg, @openfresno Los Angeles, CA

Kyle Behrens jtzero
Ce n'est pas grave

cleveland, oh

Paul Rochford PaulR-Docs
Cleveland based civic-tool builder.

Open Cleveland New York City