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leaked memory leakedmemory
Systems programming lover and JavaScript hater.
L1l s0uxz l1ls0uxz
s1mpl3 guy.

Starlight Studios Earth

Chase Poulton Chas3Pap3rs
👨‍💻 Developer Minded, 🎨 Artist at Heart. 🚀 Self-Starter, 🛠️ DIY Raised. 🧩 Passionate Problem-Solver, 🤝 Helpful by Nature.


Trung Hieu Le bos-hieu
Experienced technical leader with a passion for learning and exploring new technologies.
Diego Andres Echeverri Sanin D-Bitman

en algun lugar de esta galaxia

Kusa kijukusanagi
Coding for fun and automation, in service of our future AI overlords. 🤖✨

Next Effect Denver, CO

Vaibhav Sharma T3chnician
Founder - @cope-studio (acquired by @maticnetwork) and @DehiddenTeam (merged with @LayerE)

Founder @cope-studio and @dehidden India

Mahafuj Hossain MAHAFUJ
Navigating AI Horizons

BRAC University Dhaka

V0410 V0410
Full stack Engineer
Axel H. noirbizarre

@apihackers @LedgerHQ Paris, France

Md Deluair Hossen deluair
Post doctoral research associates, Economics

University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN

Siphesihle Siphesihle1

@BrowseSpec Johannesburg, Soweto

illuzion illuzionm
chaos is a ladder

null Hanoi, Vietnam

Robert Chen rjcc
Cardiovascular surgeon; Harvard; Emory, Taiwan; Indiana University, Ohio State Univ, and now Stanford Univ; data scientist: Stata, SAS, SQL, Python, R,...

Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, CA, USA

David Dada DADADAVE80
Blockchain | Mobile App Developer


Viraj G. Kulkarni (विराज गु. कुलकर्णी) virajkulkarni14
Full Stack Engineer with cross-functional skills and startup experience. Always interested in cool remote freelance work. #Ruby #React #Java #AWS #Docker

Huntington Bank Columbus, Ohio

Gita Alekhya Paul gitaalekhyapaul
BUIDLing @abridged |Prev @MLH-Fellowship @aws-amplify , GitHub Extern @hoppscotch | Blockchain | Full-Stack | Web | IoT | Cybersecurity

@SRM-IST-KTR @team-envision @MLH-Fellowship @hoppscotch @aws-amplify @abridged Kolkata, India

Mukesh Mithrakumar mukeshmithrakumar
Fac Optimum, Exitus Obliviscere

@mintage Philadelphia

Florian FlorianHaasGitH
Typescript / React | Solidity | Django | TailwindCSS | Blockchain
Muhammad Taqi ArchTaqi
A ai+blockchain enthusiast with a decade in tech.

@codora-io @atlas-dex @STIX-Co @DuboisGold Islamabad, Pakistan

igdev igdev0
Making things work.


Disfrutar lo que vale la pena ver, He enjoys what no one wants to see and was always there.