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Akshat6133 Akshat6133
python programmer

@iitbhilai India

Taehun Kim minchoCoin

Pusan National University (부산대학교) Busan, South Korea

Rakandhiya D. Rachmanto rdrachmanto
Comp. Science major

University of Georgia Athens, GA, United States


Polytechnic of Turin Turin

Marco Paul Apolinario mapolinario94
Ph.D. Student in ECE at Purdue University • Neuromorphic Computing • BSc in Electronic Engineering at UNI 🇵🇪

Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana

hanxiaobo HXB-1997
无人驾驶 点云 深度学习 机器视觉 python c++ cuda

WHUT Wuhan China

Clark Terry apollon282
I am a senior full stack software engineer with 9 years of experience. contact me with discord: carlostina34_3

Baxter Spring ,KS

Omar Khaled Allam OmarAllam22
Artificial Intelligence enthusiast || Undergraduate Electronics & Communication engineering student (Level 400)
Zhehui Chen mathczh
MLE @ Google; Ex-MLE@Didi Labs working on AV car. Ph.D. ISyE@GATECH. BS ScGY@USTC.

Google LLC Mtv

KUN leeguandong
RS Image Processing | Deep Learning | CV | OCR | AIGC | LLM | LMM

iFlytek Hefei,China

yyf YangyangFu
I'm a PhD in engineering and I love training neural networks for autonomy.

Texas A$M University

Rahul T P rahul-t-p
AI Enthusiast...
Varsha Rana Vrana710
Software Engineer | Mentor | Lifelong Learner | AWS Cloud | Python | ASP.NET with C# | SQL | MVC | RESTful APIs - Swagger | HTML5 | CSS3 Germany

Yankai Jiang LukeJYK

Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts

Tran Xuan Tu xtutran
Data Science & Computer Science


thieunv96 thieunv96
Your future depends on you


Jay Lye yeirr
Fullstack AI engineer @ Stealth

Stealth Singapore

Software Engineer


Eric Wang Wendy-hub
A data science & big data student.

Xidian University China