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Phillip Durose PduroseXYRO
Computer Science Engineer, Electrical Engineer, and Mathematician with specific development focuses in Flutter and Unity.

Xyro, LLC Minneapolis, MN

Giomar Maestre maestreparra
Father - Yogui - UX / UI designer - Mobile Designer - FrontEnd

Freelance Venezuela

Thomas NerdLive
Marketing Nerd

NEW Energie

I Am A Junior Flutter Developer (Mobile App) 💻📲

K10 Iran, Tehran

haloyukka haloyukka
Software Engineer

Saudi Arabia

Rizvi mirza-rizvi
What you don't learn, will one day rule over you.
Terrance E. Brunner CSPerse
◉ Design ◉ Integration ◉ Publishing

Washington, DC

Yilin Shao YilinShao10
Yilin Shao from Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University China

Pblfer Pblfer
Love 👨‍💻 & Art #vite #aws #n8n, 🔥🗃 #Firebase, #Hasura, #Tailwindcss, #Nodejs. My goal of life #proptech for LATAM.

Owwny, Inc Guatemala City


Iran, Guilan, Rasht

Timo EchterTimo
Python-Freelancer & Backend Dev at @TLT-STUDIOS


noii noiiii

tokyo, japan

Christian Martínez A. mardous
Audiovisual Producer by profession. Programmer by passion. Making libre software with love from Venezuela.


vnlemanhthanh vnlemanhthanh
Tự cổ đa tình thường ôm hận

Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Yaxuan Wen Garnetwen
IMA student| fishing master~~


George T Washington kingjay66
Highly Skilled Event planner and Business man

Google Inc Virginia