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Austin King 0xASK
I build decentralized financial systems #OmniNetwork

Recursive Research, Inc. NYC

Orion orionchat
Hi, i am Orion.


Hanzo Dev hanzo-dev
Hanzo Dev is your AI Engineer.

@hanzoai Internet

Prayas Poudel mrprayaspoudel
Experienced in NodeJS, PHP, GoLang, Java. Focused on Software Engineering, design principles. REST API, gRPC software developer
Nick M. (madDegen) MADdegen
Founder, Builder, Executive - Partnerships & Ecosystem Engagement - Web3 Strategy | Building Ecosystems πŸ‘ŠπŸ½ @base @IBCgroup @ThemDC

MAdegen Ventures Inc Remote

WEB3.ETH venuswhispers
**Dreams Evolving Widely**
Lori Luttrell loriluttrell
Biohacker. Biologist. Yoga teacher. Kitchen Chemist. Storyteller. Data Scientist @luxfi

San Francisco

Daiquiri koaque
Lua C# Python C++ Golang
Zach Kelling zeekay
Scaling AI companies @hanzoai, Private and Quantum Safe Blockchain @luxfi, Saving animals with @zooai.

@hanzoai @zooai @luxfi curl -sL | sh

Major Dream Williams MajorDream444
I use NFT's to celebrate the Culture and to build marketplaces for the Culture Movers and the Culture Guardians

ARTMOB.IO Puerto Rico

Nikol Digital Nikoldigital777
AI Engineer & Tech Innovator | Passionate about Cryptocurrencies & DeFi | Leveraging Python and Machine Learning to Drive Innovation.

Las Vegas

Kaleb Kaleb47
Cypherpunks write Code! πŸ’»πŸ”₯

Blockchain Center Cyberforest