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Patrick Piedad patrickpiedad
Software Developer | Expat 🇺🇸 => 🇩🇪
Danish Butt indiedanish
Open Source Contributor | Next | Typescript | Express | Mongo | Postgres | DevOps

Cowlar (YC-W17)

Tobias Klug tbsklg
Software Engineer @codecentric, AWS, Serverless, FP, Haskell, 🦀 Rustacean, Codewars, PC setup: Mac, Neovim, HHKB Hybrid Type-S

codecentric Erlangen

Kai Kopecky kkopecky
Love to code :)

Saab Germany GmbH Regensburg, Germany

Tobias Bernd Bauer bitsbauer
Freelance Full Stack End-to-End Developer

BITS BAUER Munich / Germany

Manish Khullar ManishKhullar
Exploring Computer Engineering and solving problems
Matthias Schmid mschmid
Continuously looking for new methods and tools to make work easier.

@speisekammer Germany

Philip Saa cowglow
I joined the internet in '96, been typing since '91

Meckenhausen, Germany

Marco Emrich marcoemrich
Marco is Senior Consultant at codecentric. He is a passionate advocate of software crafting and code quality,

codecentric Nuremberg

Florian Geierstanger fgeierst
Frontend Developer


Meg Gutshall meg-gutshall
Software developer with a love for Ruby. Always smiling. Spanish speaker. Continuously learning. RTFD!!

Penn Medicine North Wales, PA

Holger Grosse-Plankermann holgergp
Developer, Nerd, owns more than one cookbook, enjoys board games, favors loud guitar tunes, youtubes: podcasts:
