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Bastien Voirin bastienvoirin
High-Energy Physics • Free and Open-Source Software • Science Communication and Outreach

LLR, École Polytechnique, France • CERN, Switzerland

Artur Cordeiro Oudot Choi ArturU043
ATLAS Physicist & IRIS-HEP member

University of Washington / CERN Geneva

Roger Janusiak RogerJanusiak
Working on personal projects including web and game development. ATLAS researcher.

Tevatron, LLC Seattle, WA

Stelios Tzelepis steltze


Adeel Akram a-akram
Experimental Nuclear Physicist

Uppsala University Uppsala, Sweden

Ihooorrr imelnyk1337
telegram: @Ihooorrr


Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Vangelis Kourlitis ekourlit
Computational and data science for discoveries

Technical University of Munich Geneva, Switzerland

Hoon Lee hoonihi
Scientific Computer Engineer

Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory Notre Dame, IN

Sam Kelson SamKelson

Brandeis University Waltham, MA

Ana Peixoto anapeixotohep
Postdoctoral scholar at University of Washington (Seattle, USA)

Geneva, Switzerland

Alexander Puck Neuwirth APN-Pucky

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca Milan

Abdallah Ibrahim Ismail Apolo151
Tech Enthusiast: Software / DevOps / ML / Robotics

Ain Shams University Egypt

Maharshi Basu MashyBasker
aka okabe

@DeepSourceCorp Kolkata

KyungEon Choi kyungeonchoi

University of Texas at Austin

Koteswara Sharma HiggsGaama
<3 Science and Computers <3

Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Luis Falda Coelho LuisFelipeCoelho
(L. F. Falda Ulhoa Coelho) Physicist at CERN. Love for science, music and nature.

Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Domenic Gosein goseind
Software Engineer with focus on Platform, DevOps & SRE

@jambit Munich

Joschka Birk joschkabirk
PhD student working on ML for particle physics

University of Hamburg Hamburg

Samdarshi, Shashi Kumar ShashiSamdarshi
Graduate Researcher, WordPress Writer, Educator


Moises Zeleny moiseszeleny
PhD in Physics, with expertise in python programming, Ubuntu user and passionate about new technologies.
Elliott Kauffman ekauffma
Physics Ph.D. student at Princeton University. See my gitlab as well:

Princeton University Geneva, Switzerland

Alexander Moreno Briceño amorenobr
Particle physicist

Ibagué, Colombia

Garrett Merz GarrettMerz
High Energy Physics PhD developing ML for science at University of Wisconsin-Madison DSI. Passionate about creative problem-solving and using data for good.

Madison, WI

Dmytro Chumakov dmytrochumakov
Passionate iOS developer


Saransh Chopra Saransh-cpp
RSE @UCL-ARC | Open Science and Open Source enjoyer

@UCL-ARC, @UCL London, UK

Adrian Salvador asalvadorsalas
ATLAS Physicist and Data Scientist

TAU, CERN Geneva

Muhammad Farooq MFarooq786

University of Virginia USA