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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Renato Lins renatolinsjr
Front End Developer who loves Technology and his Family. A Proud Father and a simple man who loves his life!

Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

[email protected] marcelocampanelli
Sem tempo irmão!

Reclame Aqui Valparaíso, São Paulo, Brasil

Caio Girão giraocaio
Data Scientist

@hurbcom Brazil

João Borges Claudino Junior joaoclaudino
The guy in the photo, proud father of the photo boy....

Claudino Soluções em Software Pinhais

Rubens dos Santos kaetaen
🧑‍💻 Developer • 🎸 Musician • 🤘 Streight-edge • 📚 Booklover • 🎧 Audiophile
Gabriel Magnago GabriellMagnago
Full Stack Apprentice | Computer Science Student | Passionate about technology and development

Rio de Janeiro

Kali creepykali

Rio de janeiro - Brasil

Guilherme Souza guilhermefpv
DevOps Engineer #devops #devsecops #kubernetes #terraform #ansible #proxmox #aws #googlecloud

Souza Devops Rio de Janeiro

Victor Radael victorradael
Software engineer passionate about coding best practices, scalable architectures, and robust, efficient solutions. Let's build together!


Isvaldo Fernandes de Souza isvaldo
I am a programmer/agent, I have no life or anything else (: Rio de Janeiro

João Cardoso Pontuego
Estudante de Ciência da computação 5/8
hurb Eminem2023

hurb co

Alvin Scheibe alvinscheibe
Web developer. Laravel and TypeScript.


Gabriel Brito GabrielSBrito17
Python | Django | Flask | PHP | Laravel | NodeJs | Express | Docker | PostgreSQL | API
Davi Tanaka Davi-Tanaka
Desenvolvimento Web


Pedro Henrique Soares 1PedroSoares
É dividindo que se multiplica 🍞🐟. FullStack Dev em formação.🧑‍💻⏳🌍  PHP - Laravel , JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. Seja Bem Vindo!

Minas Gerais, MG - Brasil

Erick Felix efs0-cod3
One step at a time, building where the other is going to land!

Software engineer | 100Devs Dominican Republic

Lucian Cardoso luciancardoso
Desenvolvedor Front-End | ReactJS | Bootstrap | NodeJS | ExpressJS | JavaScript | PHP

Manaus - AM

Marco Aurélio de Andrade MA-Andrade
Backend Developer @ Hurb

Taubaté, Brazil

Lucas Duarte da Silva LukazDs
I am a person driven by the search for knowledge, directing it whenever possible in the direction of web development


Alan Menescal Cáceres amenesca
Learning Software engineering at 42|RIO

Rio de Janeiro

Vania Almeida vanialadev
Desenvolvedora: Mobile - Android | Backend: Kotlin, Java

@hurbcom Fortaleza/CE - Brasil

Everton Yoshitani evert0n
VP of Engineering at working on with an amazing team

Resola Inc Tokyo, Japan

Vitor Emanuel Queiroz Ferreira vitoremanuelqf

iClouds Sistemas Web Itapetininga, SP

Efraim Andrade efraim-andrade
Front-end Developer

Itapetininga - SP, Brasil

Weyder Ferreira weyderfs
SRE | DevOps Culture


Rayandson Silva Rayandson
Full Stack Developer


Bia Chamsim BiaChamsim
Hey, everyone! Let's code!
Adrian Costa adrian-s-costa
Full Stack - TypeScript | React | Node.js | Java | Spring Boot | PostgreSQL | MongoDB | Docker | AWS

Mutant São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Andher andhercapanema
Engenheiro de Software | Desenvolvedor Full Stack - JavaScript | TypeScript | React | Node.js | MongoDB | PostgreSQL | Prisma | Jest | HTML | CSS

Uberlândia, MG, Brazil

Jonas Souza JXNVS666
Software Engineer | C/C++ | Python | SQL

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Jessica Pansini jspansini
Cadet at 42 Rio | RecoderPro Full Stack | Web Development JR| Graphic Designer |

42 - Rio Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.

Giovani Silva Giovani-Silva

São Bernardo do Campo - SP

Marcelo Silva mhenrique94
VueJS | Javascript | Django | Python Fullstack web developer

Buser Brasil Sao Paulo, Brazil

Jhenifer Dias JheniferDias
iOS Developer


Felipe Metson duchometson
Software Developer graduated from PUC-Rio

Hurb Technologies

Fernando Callata fernandohre
Software Engineer always looking for the next level 🚀


Diogo Ferreira eu-diogo-ferreira
Hello, I'm Diogo, a software developer passionate about high-impact technological challenges and solutions, fascinated by serverless and AWS 🧙‍♂️

NCI Innova Mogi-Guaçu - SP

Thalyta Souza thalytasouza
🍎 iOS Developer 🧵 Fashion Designer · Brazilian · 28 yo · Natural from Varginha(MG)

Rio de Janeiro

João Paulo Carvalho jjpaulo2
Back End Engineer. Python lover. Cloud solutions architect.

@jusbrasil Blumenau, Brasil