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TαΊ‘ Quang KhΓ΄i TaQuangKhoi
I'm a Software Developer/ a Musician make music with Ardour


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Sai Ruthvik hawkh
ML Engineer @Livestockify

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Hyderabad

Dr Diya M SDMscript
Bioinformatics, Data science, RNA, DNA
Eduardo Cordoba cordoba-a
Experimental Biologist UAM | Data Science Engineer UNITEC | CENIAQ | TESOEM

MΓ©xico, CDMX

BioDawg JoJoTsui


Matthias Zepper MatthiasZepper
Computational biologist experienced in analyzing massive parallel sequencing data. Leveraging software for life science @NationalGenomicsInfrastructure

@SciLifeLab Stockholm

Kozo Nishida kozo2
PyData Osaka organizer, Bioconductor Community Advisory Board, Software Carpentry Japanese Team

Tokyo, Japan


@ginkgobioworks Cambridge, MA

Dana Merrick dmerrick
Add a bio

Boston, MA

tdsone tdsone
designer chromosomes for everyone

London, Berlin

Max Hager yachty66

Berlin/San Francisco

Dev Mukherjee devraj

@anomaly Canberra, ACT Australia

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Lily Tran lilytran004
Biology undergraduate student exploring the world of computational biology.
Daniel dcolinmorgan
graph nerd, hacker of bio-mainframe #DataViz

@graphistry @Harvard @SciLifeLab Hong Kong

Evan Nishi Evan-Nishi
SJSU. Much of my work is in private repos :(

Walnut Creek CA

Masahito Yamagata yamagatm
Neuroscientist at Harvard University. Natural and artificial visual system. Bioinformatics. scRNA-seq. Image analysis.

Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Ragnor Comerford ragnorc
data scientist at Q Bio β€’ πŸ“ˆ probabilistic models & ML | 🌱 synthetic biology | 🧬 comp bio | πŸš€ startups | languages 🌍

University of Cambridge / Francis Crick Institute London

Peter Vegh veghp

@Edinburgh-Genome-Foundry United Kingdom

Arian Abbasi ari7cr
CompBio & GenAI

University of Cologne, Germany Cologne, Germany

Paul Prae praeducer
I’m a solutions architect with a specialization in artificial intelligence. I build interactive systems that augment cognitive abilities and scale impact. #AI

Amazon Web Services Atlanta

Julian Boecker julboe

Imperial Bioengineering London

Eric Peltzman epeltz33
My interests are deeply rooted in the ever-evolving realms of technology
Lucas Levassor hiyama341
Passionate PhD student using Python to revolutionize synbio & automate workflows πŸ€–πŸ§¬. Up for colabs so please reach out. From CPH πŸ‡©πŸ‡°
Martin David Quantron7t
To be or not to be!
Ezgi Karagoz ezgechan
an aspiring biochemist who studies biological functions using online data #bioinformatics

University of Helsinki

Nick Raziborsky werkamsus
Hey there πŸ‘‹

Sonoma San Francisco