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HARSH VERMA harsh8850
Final Year Student of Computer Science and Engineering in Buit Bhopal

student bhopal

Randy Tan oneseedfruit
Tropical fruit with only a single seed. Unriped and sour. Fruitily making games at @gamkedo-la. Curly Tropical Observer at @Gameka-games. Pfp: @Chikoness💍❤️

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Coventry, United Kingdom (teleporter)

Quynh Nguyen mojitocoder
serverless javascript yoga sushi photography travelling

Simply Business London

Heberth Deza heberth2788
Computer science & Mobile software development

Big Bang Soft Peru/La Libertad/Pacasmayo/Guadalupe

Mahmoud Adel migo557

westernhouse turkey

Claudin ClaudinNarsis
CTO & CoFounder

Smoose @Photo-Owl Trichy

We are cv ocean pos company with legal export and license goverment of Indonesia to run export with all sea commodity. TIN : 85.168.300.3-627.000 NIB: 91020

CV OCEAN POS Perumahan kebalenan baru 1 blok b7 rt001 rw003

Thandar Lin Than3395
Umman Mammadov UMMAN2005
CNCF Kubestronaut ⎈ | Software & DevOps Engineer

Baku, Nizami, Azer Manafav 1

Edis Leka edisleka
Next.js Developer

Athens, Greece

Abdallah yessine kriaa Kriaa89
Développeur Full Stack | Python & MERN

Gouvernorat de l'Ariana

Aahan Salecha aahan0511
Co-founder of @Infinium-Inc. Programming Student.

@Infinium-Inc India

Marlo Marlup
I have a background in Physics and I am interested in AI and self-guided learning. Always eager to improve people's lives and contribute to social value.

Madrid, Spain

David David9302

BeiJing, China

Antônio Nascimento Ninja1375
Hello! My name is Antônio Nascimento. I am a programmer with a passion for technology and web development.


Alzea Arafat zearafat

Orenji Studio Yogyakarta, Indonesia

fhrk_ fhrk-78

Tokyo, Japan

Marco Cappellato Marcap00
Junior Developer 💻

@reactiive-labs Rome, Italy


Consultoria BX BRASILIA

Merlin Lubambo Merlin-00
Passionné de nouvelles technologies 👨🏾‍💻 || web developer "Angular/Firebase" || Computer Student || engeneer to become

@gdgocucbukavu Bukavu RDCongo

Elizabeth de la Paz Portal elizabthpazp
< Software Engineer || Front End Developer > 👩🏻‍💻 Cuba - United States

Davinci Zomi rannlangel
Just getting started 😉
Corey Mjr Barron litoopcmbjp
I Started A Digital Asset Management & Digital Media Company L.L.C. ©™®©

@24thstorymotives© L.L.C. & Dusttoodiamonds™® -Label/DBA ATLANTA, GA

Chris' corvayn
When the sky cracks; where will your shadow fall?


Jacob Christian Bautista Cobs03
Wants to be a Web Deveolper