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Lệnh Nguyên (Leviz) Nguyencoder11
Hello, I'm Nguyen

Hanoi, Vietnam

Hamza Safwan safwanhamza
BS Data Science Student with expertise in Machine Learning and Software Development. I love to figure out how systems work and how to engineer them.
Chul Sung csung7

IBM Yorktown Heights, NY

Mariana Gonzalez Medina mgm-14392
Working / interested in machine learning


cao zhiqun yulongwanxue
student of Xinjiang University
kuni thomykut
Senior Data Engineer

Fanatics Buenos Aires, Argentina

Shubham Bhati Shubh2-0
Dedicated to Innovating with Technology | Exploring the Boundaries of Tech | Passionate about Creating Elegant Code

Masai School Banglore

曹文武 flin3dge
The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it.

IT == Intelligent + Tough Nanjing, China

Inel inelgnu

@Entalpic Nantes

I’m a cybersecurity researcher and teaching assistant at UCLouvain.

UCLouvain Belgium

Lora Chu chulora

Ludovice Shanghai

Lokesh Soni lokeshsoni
A Data Architect by profession, problem solver by heart, born to yashodanand, a happy husband 👫🥰😬✌🏻 and parenting one 👶🏻

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

怒喵喵 AngryMeow
工程师 / 设计师 / 外包码农 / 房东 / 淘宝店主。

Nook Inc. 上海

Ali K1ta141k
Math/Python enjoyer
Adam $. Amir Adam-S-Amir
Hey there👋🏽, I’m a freshman at VCU with a passion for Front-End Development🚀. Please navigate to the README file for my recent endeavors.


Melissa Quinlan Melissa-Qu
Cloud, Automation & Development.

Cisco Systems Austin

Baran Yeni baranyeni
Passionate about what he does, born to be a developer.

LaSoft Istanbul

张海庚 TipCAN

MGTV Changsha, China

İsa Kulaksız isakulaksiz

Halkbank Istanbul, Turkey

Billy Xi Droxico
I love doing lines of code.

Trench Inc. Shenzhen, China

CHAEYOON KIM kcyoon689

Seoul, South Korea

Miguel mortiz-dev

Nebuluxs Capital Federal, Buenos AIres

Clark Terry apollon282
I am a senior full stack software engineer with 9 years of experience. contact me with discord: carlostina34_3

Baxter Spring ,KS

Serge Martel unsetopt
Not to go back is somewhat to advance, and men must walk, at least, before they dance.

Take-D Missouri City, TX