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Nancy Bethala nbethala
Scientifically curious, analytical problem solver.
Najma nkbio
Research Scholar Computational & Molecular Biology

Jamia Millia Islamia University New Delhi

Qiang Cao nihaonewworld
Bioinformatics Engineer


Marc Broghammer Marc-commits
PhD candidate in genetics

Baden-Württemberg, DE

David McManamon dmcmanam
Programmer, nature lover, small home builder and espresso aficionado.

@mskcc New York, NY

Francesco Edoardo Vallone Francesco-E-Vallone
|PhD Student at the University of Turin| |Dept. of Medical Sciences| |Functional Genomics Lab|


Ali Naderi AliNaderiii
Hi, I'm Ali Naderi Master of mechatronics Engineer Data Science and AI Engineer (ML, DL, MV)


Marcos Abraão mabraao

Stanford University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Adam Fendri adam-fendri
5th year software engineering student @ INSAT
Siyun Wang siyunw

University of British Columbia Vancouver

Zongmei Gao Mei918
Bioinformatics Dada science Genetics
Helio de Souza Junior Helioszjr
"Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach." ― Aristotle

UEM Brasil

Addala Raed RaedAddala
Software Engineering Student and competitive programming Enthusiast. Passionate about CS and always eager to learn new topics and implement new ideas.

INSAT Tunis, Tunisia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Marlon Pius Pamplona MarlonPamplona
Influenza | Bioinformatics | Data Science

Research Institute for Tropical Medicine Manila, Philippines

xiang lin linzz1921
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences major in bioinformatics

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences hang zhou

25% computer scientist, 25% statistician, 25% biologist, 25% gamer.

Yale University New Haven

Michael Foster mjfos2r
infectious disease & pathogen genetics @ MGH/Broad

Boston, MA, USA

IBCHGenomics IBCHgenomic
Bioinformatics, Genome Analysis, Deep Learning Poland

Yoshimasa Ono yoshimasaonoX
Human Genome Center

The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo Tokyo

Alessandro A. Grande aagrande

Memorial Sloan Kettering & Columbia University New York

Samin Yeasar Abir Y3454R
SWE 💻 | Bibliophile 📚 | Weeb ◕⩊◕

@CodeMarshal-IT Dhaka

Trainee Healthcare Scientist in Bioinformatics (Genomics)


Xinhao Sun sun-xinh
Passionate and skilled Bioinformatics professional

boston, MA, U.S.

Ignacio Vázquez ivazquez

Harvard Medical School | Massachusetts General Hospital | Broad Institute Boston, USA

Varenya Jain VarenyaJ
Passionate bioinformagician with approximate knowledge of many things. HPC enthusiast and student researcher innovating in genomics and hardware systems

Bio+ECE > Research @illinois > @ncsa > @IGBIllinois > > BIH Washington Heights, New York City

Yile yilevine

KU Leuven Belgium

Patrick Blaney pblaney
Senior Bioinformatics Programmer, Ph.D. Student in Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

NYU Langone Health

adahik Demcalves
Fluent in Java and Python. I like to solve puzzles and coding challenges. In my free time, I like to kitbash 3D models and attempt to mod computer games.
John Budde buddej

Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO