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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Boris Lange ad-langebo
software architect and enthusiast @adessoSE


Sparklingman qdua
Web Developer 🧑🏽‍💻 / Alpinism 🧗‍♂️/ Adventure 🏕 / Deaf🧏‍♂

QD, web-studio Ukraine, Kyiv

Semjon Geist GentleGhostCoder
Tech enthusiast and dedicated developer with a touch of gentleness. 🌐👨‍💻 #CodeCraftsman #OpenSourceFan

Germany; Baden-Würtemberg

Emre Kabali EmreKabali
Software Engineer - Founder:


İrem Melisa Taş imelisa1
Computer Engineering student


Benjamin Saalfeld baeni
On my way to becoming a fullstack developer with a fetish for design.

@adessoSE Dortmund, Germany

Nils LReg

Dortmund, Germany

Gabriel Akbarov gabrielakbarov
17 years old

@adessoSE @FHDW-PB Paderborn, Germany

Ladybug psyjulga
yoga teacher, cat lover, coding enthusiast

@adessoSE Cologne, Germany

Marcel MarcelSansuer
👋 Welcome to My GitHub Profile! I’m a full-stack developer specializing in building modern, scalable applications with clean architecture and a seamless user
Connor Schweighöfer SquidXTV
19 years old, Java developer

@adessoSE Germany Paderborn

Matthias Bäuerle matbadev

@adesso-mobile Karlsruhe, Germany

Sophia sophia-adesso

adessoSE Munich/Germany

Moritz M. m0-m1

adesso SE Germany

Geovanny Mesa GAMG-94
Software developer from Bogotá Colombia

Bogotá - Colombia

Elderov Ali WuglyakBolgoink
Frontend Developer (AngularJS and Angular 2+ with 10+ years exp.)

adesso SE Munich

Len lenhosseini
💻 Software Developer @adessoSE

@adessoSE Stuttgart, Germany

Mikael Lognseth lognseth

Karlsruhe, Germany

Relluem94 Relluem94
Developer - Java, PHP, Go, Typescript (Angular), Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Shell

@Relluem94s @adessoSE Mannheim

Pappuraj Bhottacharjee PAPPURAJ

Project2Morrow Consultancy Services Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Rajashekhar zlr-raja
I, Rajashekhar A, am an Associate Architect at ZelarSoft with over 12 years of experience in full-stack engineering and UI/UX development.


Marvin Schlegel cybniv
Still 🩵 UNIXoids

@adessoSE Earth

Lucien fanto237

Bremen, Germany

Abdulrahman Abou Adla aabouadla
Senior Software Engineer @ adesso SE

adesso SE Germany

Manuel Sawade manuelsawade

adesso SE Essen, Germany

André Bindewald tiwood
Cloud Solution Architect & DevOps Engineer

@Union-Investment Germany

Ives Laaf dalini

@adesso-as-a-service Karlsruhe, Germany