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Daniil Potapov DaniilPotapov-azur
Software Engineer – Unity Developer
강건우 eric1306
Junior Developer


Cheonnyang gus6615
Hello! I'm game client developer :)

Seoul, Korea

👋 Hi, I’m Abdellatif Elalami! 🇲🇦 Originally from Morocco, now living in China. 🎓 Software engineering student at Zhengzhou University
Flyupworking flyupunity
I am an indie developer


邹晓航 zouxiaohang
computer graphics

Huazhong University of Science and Technology China

Spiller-cell Spiller-cell
Busy ,probably

none, none and none

Pedro Savelis psavelis
CTO @ Replay-API | Node.js | .NET | Go | AWS | Google Cloud

@LeetGaming, @Replay-API Santos, São Paulo, BR

ohnoabhi ohnoabhi
I am a game developer and AI enthusiast. Currently exploring the possibilities of how AI can change game development
Gyanateet Dutta Ryukijano
CUDA C++ , Pytorch RT, JAX(JIT,Haiku enjoyer, FLAX Flexer) and Qiskit UwU Converts ideas and excitement into code. Fall Grad Student @universityofleeds

@GeForceStudent @Pytorch @NVIDIA @NVIDIAGameWorks @universityofleeds Leeds, UK

Tas EnclaveTS
Mathematician and game developer


JaeJun Jo Jtree03
Software is soft.

@chaf-games Busan, Earth

Dante Dardaque dantelocao
information system student game dev