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Aquira AquiraS
Photographer・Videographer / MusicLUVer Creator / Artist *2023〜I am creating code for Photo edit! Do you wanna join? or invite me .please

Aquira Japan

Jaskaran Singh jaskarandji
Wondering around the world.

Student India

K.Boopathi programmerraja
Programmer with curious to learn different technology and develop cool product from that

Klenty Tirunelveli

OG = "Original Geek" Fancyfoot
Co-Founder | CTO @wessini - Legal Tech 🤖 For Human Needs ⚖️ | FI CORE PROGRAM ALGERIA 🌱 | Generative AI Passionate | Deep Learning Specialist 🧠

Wessini Algiers

Leo Jace cerjs
Concise & Efficient & Reliable
Va Da streamich
SOL donations: LJJwteDZjL8u2Uhh5giwVpRa5KcHLkDogYAZntYbMsD


Salman Saifi codesharpdev
A freelance software engineer from India with a focus on Laravel, Node.js, React & TypeScript

Inventive Gurgaon, India

Thomas J. Lauer tjlauer
Computer Information Technology major at MNSU, Mankato, MN. Senior Full Stack Developer in Chemistry at GAC, St Peter, MN. Contact me at [email protected].

@stoll-lab-gac Mankato, MN, USA

Luca Del Puppo Puppo
Microsoft MVP, Google Developer Expert, Senior Software Developer and JavaScript & TypeScript enthusiastic. 😎

Treviso, Italy

Othmane Kahtal othmanekahtal

TransPerfect casablanca

Antonio Alvino tonylook

Knowledge Lab AG Switzerland

Luca Galeno drbabol
Tech enthusiast | Junior developer


Jorge Guberte jorgeguberte
Programmer, music maker, generative AI

None Brazil

Rausth rausth
System Analyst Support Specialist Researcher #Ontology #frontend #webframeworks


Sev sevsev9
IT Infrastructure - Full Stack Developer


Mario Ravalli mrkrash
🧮 Backend Developer | 🐘 PHP 🦀 Rust 🐦 Dart | 🐧 Linux, Git

@Immobiliare Ragusa

Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai

Mahdi Djalinoosi MahdiDjalinoosi
Freelancer Front-End Developer


Laszlo Farkas avatarf

Kinsta Switzerland

Peter Mbanugo pmbanugo
Building FlyCD -, Author of How to build a serverless app platform on Kubernetes -


smne simonedimeglio
Too many hobbies.

Los Angeles

Felipe Alves AlvesFe
Desenvolvedor Back-end

Credihome by Loft São Paulo, Brasil

Tiago Guirra tiagoguirra
Software Engineer Credihome By Loft


Ryan Baldisco ryanbaldisco
Full-Stack Software Developer


Valerius Mattfeld valerius21
full-stack developer / computer science and law graduate

@elegal-ev @ksb-intax @serpviewer Göttingen, Germany

linxu helloworldcoding
Add a bio

weicool PRC

Alex argbeknwn
Hi! My name is Alex 👋 I am Entrepreneur and web leader. Developing digital services for B2B. I am interested in Digital Marketing 📊 and MVP Development

ARGBE.TECH - B2B Digital Services

M Haidar Hanif mhaidarhanif
✨ Helping people in software, web, design, career, life. 🐻@bearmentor 🐱@catamyst 🐶@dogokit 🏯@bandungdevcom

@bearmentor @bearmentor-community Jakarta-Bandung-Bali, Indonesia

Che 2p4b


zbitset simonalanjones

Debbie's Villas Kent, UK

Aris Tchoukoualeu Tchoukoualeu
MSc EE + Web Dev.

Paderborn, Germany