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Yusheng Zhao exAClior
Talk is cheap, let me code.

@CodingThrust Guang Zhou

Aadam aadimator
Computer scientist turned bioinformatics enthusiast, unraveling the secrets of genomics through the lens of data science.

Haripur, KPK, Pakistan

Yash Shukla shuklayash10
I'm a Computer Science Master's Student at the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.

Ex BISAG - N India

Morteza Shabanzadeh MortezaSh79
My current interests and activities are in the intersection of energy management systems (EMS+DMS) and software development.

Niroo Research Institute Tehran - Iran

Leticia Madureira Leticia-maria
Computational Chemist. Developing good software for Quantum Algorithms in Julia. PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University.

@JuliaChemicalReactions, @HartreeFoca Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US