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Rodrick RodFireProductions
Just a dead inside artist trying to see the silliness in life.

Silly Land

kat xxwhirlpool
i like computers an unhealthy amount
amki AmkiTakk
Usually I draw. Sometimes I code. This is the duality of amki.


ginger gingerchew
Self taught since March of 2017 Web Developer

somewhere else

Gowri N. GowNanSA
CS Student: I may not know what I am doing 100% of the time, but I try my best! Stockpiling my code, work, and projects here in case my computer explodes!
Mรฉlu MeluCRT
Web Design student at HEAJ | Proponent of "fucking around and finding out"


Tegan Churchill rawrmonstar

Olympia, WA

Jessica Lane jesslane94

Washington State

Ghoulmouse Ghoulmouse
Domesticated monstergirl.
Jake Hamilton jakehamilton
I make things on the web.

@noopai Orange County, California

Elly Loel EllyLoel
Web Designer / Design Engineer, specialising in Accessibility & Design Systems

Naarm (Melbourne, Australia)