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Sumit Patel Dark-Kernel
Nothing to say about.


Anurag Maurya MauryaAnurag
Interested about connecting with people ,knowing sharing knowledge and scientific talks
Computer engineering student | Proficient in Java, React, Node | Passionate about tech & innovation | Eager to contribute & learn | Let's code and collaborate!


Yash Mulik YashMulik2005
I am currently learning at Government Polytechnic Mumbai
Swati Tiwari SwatiSTiwari
I don't believe in magic, only the power of knowledge.

Mumbai Maharashtra India

Faisal Faisal786111
Computer engineering student | Proficient in C++, Java, React | Passionate about tech & innovation | Eager to contribute & learn | Let's code and collaborate!


Hasti Shah hshah27
Always happy to learn 😊

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Manjiri C CODEX108


Deep Bansode DrasticCoder
Oh, hi...

PCE Mumbai, India

Danish Ahmed Siddiqui danishahmed22
Learner... exploring different fields.

Mumbai, India

Daarain Kazi Daarain
FLutter developer


Nashrah Ansari nashrah1307
BTech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning student | Frontend web developer | UI UX designer | Technical blog writer
Meet Jadhav meetjadhav999
Currently studying Computer Engineering in Terna Engineering college
Maaz Khan maaz25925
Part of the @DiplomaTechCommunity. Currently in TY of Computer Engineering at Government Polytechnic Mumbai. I like to program.

Mumbai, India

Anas Khan anaskhan28
Frontend Developer ✨- Open source enthusiast 🌐- Awesome Person ✌️


Alfiya Siddique AlfiyaSiddique
Full Stack Developer | MERN STACK | Computer Student | GSSOC'23 Top 5 Contributor | Technical Writer | Hactoberfest_2023 Participant .

Mumbai, India