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Marco Alvarado Gómez warkhos
Husband, Dad, Wanderlust, CEO de Globalode, Máster en Administración de Recursos Informáticos & Gamer

Globalode Costa Rica

Kyle Perenchio KylePerenchio

Enistar L.L.C. Detroit, MI

Agusto Sipahutar agustox21
I am father with 2 lovely kids. Daily activities at office, i am working as Sales Engineer at one of cloud provider. I will helping my customer to optimizing, c


Vintage Coder vintage-coder
Healthcare & Life Science 👍 Techy | Software Engineer 💯 💻


Alejandro Mora wamc227

ALLNET Soluciones Tecnologicas SAS. Bogota, Colombia

Will Strohl WillStrohl
Will Strohl is the founder and CEO of Upendo Ventures, based in the San Francisco area. We use technology to help businesses change people's lives.

Upendo Ventures San Francisco, CA

Cansu T. JansueT
Full Stack Software Developer


Michael Dowd dowdian
There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who do understand binary, and those who do not.

Dowdian Cluj-Napoca, RO

Yonas M. YonSci
Passionate about working on topics related to Data Science, Machine learning, AI, GIS, Remote sensing, Climate, and hydrology.


Alberto Zen albe7z

@Lemcube Treviso

Robin Hogg Sharmanh
I own Cyber Factory, as an ISP we host DNN/DotNetNuke @dnnsoftware websites. We do IT support, break/fix, MSP, ESET(MSP), Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking etc...

Cyber Factory cc South Africa

Mladen Ivosevic MIBICT

Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland


Dr.Mojibian Hospital Yazd

Ad Spelt aspelt
part-time programmer, C#, #DNNSoftware, #2SXC

Emjee ICT diensten, ICTotaal Netherlands

Joe Aucoin JoeAucoin

Global Internet Business Solutions Brewster, MA