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Byunghak Ko bengHak

Republic of Korea

아리 leeari95
iOS developer 🐥

@gripcorp Gwanggyo, Republic of Korea

Yunseo Kang yungu0010

Sookmyung Women's University

Junho Lee L-j-h-c

@LINE+ Republic of Korea


DUNAMU Seongnam, Korea

baegteun baekteun
으악 ;ㅁ;

@pixohq @GSM-MSG @wakmusic

Robert Armenski T1T4N
Senior iOS & macOS Software Engineer  SwiftUI, Combine, RxSwift, Redux Other areas of interest: Bash, CI, Build Automation

TeamViewer Stuttgart, Germany

Christian Tietze DivineDominion
I create software to make people more productive @Zettelkasten-Method. And I write about clean coding @CleanCocoa.

@Zettelkasten-Method Bielefeld, Germany

Mathijs Bernson mbernson
Software developer @Q42. Passionate about creating useful iOS apps. Home automation hobbyist. Sci-fi and space enthousiast. He/him. Polyamorous.

@Q42 The Netherlands

Massimo Biolcati massimobio
Musician and developer of the music app iReal Pro.

New York

Roman Skorobagatko romanskorobagatko
Music producer, guitarist from Ukraine.

Ukraine, Kyiv

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Sthenno neoheartbeats
Left To Bloom, Bloom To Death
Ciprian Redinciuc cyupa
iOS Developer & Liverpool supporter

@Applicodo @userdeskapp Iasi, Romania

Karl Traunmüller ktraunmueller
Mac & iOS developer

Sankt Valentin, Austria


@enai-io Berlin

KhanhIceTea khanhicetea
To live is to share ! Contact : [my_github_username]

I work for no one but human Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Leonardo Kaminski Ferreira leonardo-ferreira07
BSc of Computer Engineering. Senior iOS Software Engineer.  lover.

CWB, Brazil

Sapozhnik Ivan iSapozhnik
iOS and macOS

Munich, Germany

Bob lexiaoyao20
iOS/Mac developer

Followme Shenzhen, China

Konstantin Pavlikhin konstantinpavlikhin
Indie Mac Developer.

Indie Mac Developer Moscow, Russia

David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

@extensionapp (Developer) extensionapp
📲 All-in-One Extension App

@xapp App Store

Carlo Zottmann czottmann
I create productivity tools for macOS & iOS that add Shortcuts features to apps that need them. My aim is to make what you already use work even better for you.

ActionsDotWork. Flensburg, Europe

Eric Maciel ericmaciel

Belo Horizonte, MG

Mx-Iris Mx-Iris
macOS Developer & Researcher
Max Garber maxgarber
I used to work with chemicals and bacteria, now iWork with computers.

Apple Pittsburgh, PA

~ contrib

@durakiconsulting Concrete Jungle