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Martin Leach martinleach
[email protected] Chief Data Officer Black Canyon Consulting LLC

Black Canyon Consulting LLC Fairfax, VA

Dr. Charlie Bidgood charliebidgood
Postdoctoral Researcher in Cancer Biology | Biological Data Science & Visualisation

Brisbane, Australia

Michael Jimenez michael-jimenez13
Dissecting and Repuzzling Ideas. Creating chaos to dissect order and architecture. Reinvesting in ideals to reform new innovative ideas.

Dallas, TX

Alireza Molaeinezhad amolaeinezhad

Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge Cambrdige UK

Sebastian Müller mueller-seb

@MathImagingGroup Germany

Aidan Gibson aidan-gibson
CS && BioChem @ Reed

Portland, OR

Béres Bálint balint1107

Budapest University of Technology and Economics Budapest

Aysegul Murat, PhD aysegulmurat
Health Bioinformatics

@mdandersoncancercenter Houston, TX

Will Sherman generalshermanw
Currently: Bioinformatician

Rochester, MN

Won Gi Yoo wonwill

Seoul National Universituy Seoul

Jessica L. Hill jesshill

colorado state university Fort Collins, Colorado

MikeLi mikelix


Josh Breeds jetaero
CxO @ServedBy -- Internet Interconnection & Network Services Provider Executive Director @ReefStop Director of Innovation @ReefIOT

@ServedBy @ReefStop @ Seattle, WA

Edgar Pinedo-Carpio ZappaPC
PhD Student at McGill University
Tassanee Lerksuthirat tlerksuthirat
I am a researcher who is learning how to apply coding to solve biological problems.

Research Center, Ramathibodi Hospital Bangkok, Thailand

James E. McClure JamesEMcClure
Developer of the LBPM software package

Zhe Ren wtbxsjy
Bioinformatics/Data Analyst

BGI-Shenzhen China

JP Flores jpflores-13
PhD student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Phanstiel Lab

Los Angeles, CA / Chapel Hill, NC

Max Colonna maxwellbaca
Biochemistry PhD, Metabolomics
Xue Zhang xuezhang911
I am a researcher with expertise in post-translational regulation by epigenetic markers and transcription in single cells


QiqiXie Qiqi-Xie
Research Associate of Indiana University Bloomington

Indiana University Bloomington 107 S Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN 47405

Shatavisha Dasgupta ShataDg
Digital Pathology | Image Analysis

Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Linh T. Duong linhduongtuan
Obtain a PhD in medical microbiology from the University of Greifswald, Germany. Interested in Microbiology, Molecular biology, Epidemiology, & Machine Learning

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm - Sweden

Naly Torres, PhD candidate TorresNaly
PhD candidate in Dr. Erin Nishimura's Lab at Colorado State University studying the mechanisms of mRNA localization in C. elegans embryos.

Colorado State University, Fort Collins Colorado, USA

Samuel Perez Elmaestronwk

GRC Creation Studios Randolph NJ

Ehsan Misaghi emisaghi
A biomedical & electronics engineer, neuroscientist and programmer/developer all in one, in the process of adding physician and geneticist to the list as well!

Edmonton, AB, Canada

Michael Steinbaugh mjsteinbaugh

@merck Cambridge, MA, USA

Carol amatoc

Colorado, USA

Deborah Ho debho
EECS183: debho

Ann Arbor, MI

Nathan J. Day nthndy
postdoc studying single-cell heterogeneity of Tuberculosis infection using timelapse microscopy, deep learning image analysis and Bayesian multi-object tracking

The Francis Crick Institute London