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Davi Cavalcante DaviMacielCavalcante
Sou um aluno do Curso em vídeo. Iniciei minha jornada no mundo da programação em agosto de 2021. Open Source <3

Belém, PA, Brazil

SLINIcraftet204 SLINIcraftet204
Hello World is yesterday


Seungsoo Lee aLVINlEE9
Quant Developer

Seoul, republic of korea

EmreBalkay MicroTecnoloji
Developer Center ...
碎片 p1e0es
Where there is a will there is a way!

man's world

GeekArchie zhxse7en
👨‍💻Operations Engineer


Adi Rabinovich adir1
Self proclaimed Tech Guru, focused on making the World a better place for all!


craig pfeifer craigpfeifer
Staff Machine Learning Engineer at

@Lightning-AI Detroit, MI

Ishara ishara-sampath

Institute of Technology University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka

atvsb atvsb
That Liminal Space where Creativity and actuality collide.
Athul athuljayaram
Cybersecurity Engineer


Zechariah Wicks Zec-Wicks
Current Flinders University Student (Software Engineering / Cyber Security)

Adelaide, South Australia

Nesegreven Nesegreven
Nothing to see here. Move along, citizen.
4rg0s 4rg0s-w4tchr

United States

Will Slattum wrslatz
Software engineer in the OSPO @capitalone ☕ 💻 ⛰️

Capital One Asheville, NC

KSD Lighter Myanmar Company kosai-ksdfounder

KSD Lighter Distribution Myanmar

Florian Kromer fkromer
System architect, software architect/DevSecOp/developer, startup accelerator... swiss army knife.

ABUS Security Center GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg

Won Chi Hyun chihyeonwon

Gangneung-Wonju National University Wonju

Yanyue KemurihinoGatsu
Pingxiang University/major in Data Science and Big Data Technology

Pingxiang University China

Leaglprogramer MyhostRL
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
Faizan Bashir faizanbashir
DevSecOps | Cybersecurity | Kubernetes | Linux | IoT

Honeywell Connected Enterprise

Rıza arsahindev
just curious 👨‍💻


The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world