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Mike Martin t2kx

@microsoft Belgium

Antonio Novoa NovoaDev
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer ❤️

Orense - España

Todd Anglin toddanglin
Cloud Developer Advocate Lead @ Microsoft

Microsoft Texas

Omar OUARDIGHI Omar-Ouardighi
Data Science Graduate @university of Luxembourg.


Cui cuizhanming

Akamai Dublin, Ireland

Shinya Ota shinyaota
SUSTAIN ABLE DESIGNでは、あなたの大切な思いをサポートします。「続けたい」と感じることや「やってみたい」という挑戦を一緒に実現しましょう。私たちは共感を大切にし、持続可能な未来をみんなで作っていくことを目指しています。どんな小さな挑戦でも、ぜひお話ししてくださいね!

SOUSYA co.,ltd. japan

Cecil Phillip cecilphillip
.NET Developer, Podcaster, Teacher, Swimmer, & Music Lover. Born and Raised in Antigua

@stripe Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Computer engineer focused on machine learning for computer vision

Rome, Italy

Chrisogonas O. Odhiambo chrisogonas
Ph.D. (Computer Science); 10+ yrs in Software dev. & testing, C#.NET, Python; Database Systems, Data Integration, Process Automation, Graphs, OpenMP, AI/ML/DL

Austin, TX

Paulo Torres paulotorres-tech
Paulo Torres is excellent at developing creative software solutions for a wide range of business issues, with over 𝟐𝟐 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 of experience.
Ethan Jones ejones18
'Ey up

South Yorkshire

Amit Lal amitlals
SAP and Cloud Technologist working since 1998 in IT industry.


Carlos Machel carlosmachel
Software Engineer - I live for those "Aha!" moments.

@optsoldev São Paulo, Brasil

Sasiru Tharinda fl4shmc
Senior Software Engineer

Creo360 Colombo, Sri Lanka

Peter Nistrup nistrup
Data Science Consultant @ BASE life science 📊 Masters in BA and Mathematical Business Economics

BASE life science Denmark