Releases: opensearch-project/security
Releases · opensearch-project/security
Release v1.9.0.1
- Hot reloading audit configuration (#409)
- Add configuration for REST API whitelisting (#520)
- Implement ability to configure readonly fields for audit configuration (#559)
- Decrypt SAML assertions (#539)
- Add REST API method to audit logging (#589)
- Log index event requests on transport layer (#588)
- Added kibana attribute to security config which will be used by tenantinfo api. (#514)
- Log granted privileges on REST layer if user has access to opendistro APIs (#594)
Bug fixes
- Fix broken link to security configuration page (#558)
- Make sure Internal users API supports adding reserved opendistrosecurityroles
(by superuser). Do not filter out reserved roles in the InternalUsersModelV7 (#556) - Removing hidden/reserved roles added via roles mapping (#586)
- Refactoring: moved getSettingAsSet() method and DEFAULT_DISABLED_CATEGORIES from AuditConfig to ConfigConstants. (#543)
- Introduced method to construct AuditCategory EnumSet from Settings (#543)
- Use Jackson to serialize and de-serialize audit configuration (#542)
- Support "true" and "false" String to boolean conversion in DefaultObjectMapper.getOrDefault() (#548)
- Removing static ILM action groups (#552)
- Fix failing NodesDnApiTest#testNodesDnApi (#568)
- Upgrade Apache CXF to 3.2.14 (#577)
- Upgrade Apache Kafka Client to 2.5.0 (#584)
- Upgrade Onelogin Java SAML to 2.5.0 (#585)
- Upgrade Bouncy Castle to 1.66 (#603)
- Upgrade OpenSAML SAML Provider Implementations to 3.4.5 (#604)
Release v1.9.0.0
Supported Elasticsearch version 7.8.0
- Added support for Elasticsearch 7.8.0 (#516)
- Allow superadmin to update/delete hidden resources (#513)
- Added metadata_content to SAML config (#477, #495)
- Implemented put if absent behavior for security config (#402)
Bug fixes
- Removed the faulty index exists check and have more predictable behavior (#517)
- Avoid using Basic Authorization header as JWT token (#501)
- Granted access to all packages under com.sun.jndi (#494)
- Prevented users from mapping to hidden/reserved opendistro_security_roles (#486)
- Checked for substitute permissions before attempting to use SafeObjectOutputStream (#478)
- Updated Maven endpoint URL for deployment (#519)
- Avoid using reflection to instantiate OpenDistroSecurityFlsDlsIndexSearcherWrapper (#511)
- Bumped Jackson-databind version (#509)
- Refactored salt from compliance config into Salt class (#506)
- Fixed typo in (#502)
- Refactored to use indexing operation listener for every index module call (#491)
- Moved compliance ignore users from audit config to compliance config (#484)
- Removed immutable indices from compliance config (#483)
- Updated CD workflow to publish artifacts to maven central (#481)
- Refactored Base64Helper class (#468)
- Refactored WildcardMatcher (#458)
Release v1.8.0.0
Release v1.7.0.0
Supported Elasticsearch version 7.6.1 (same as Open Distro for Elasticsearch Security plugin version
- Implemented APIs and datamodel to configure nodes_dn dynamically #445 (backported from master #362)
- Performance improvement by memorizing results of resolveIndexPatterns for Bulk requests (backported from master #309)
- Performance improvement by implementing faster version of implies type perm #302
- Enabled limited OpenSSL support
- Changed file permissions for securityconfig and tools #387
- Fixed bug which caused user to lose roles on account password update #333
- Refactored to use Greenrobot EventBus #445 (backported from master #370)
- Refactored Resolved class, dropped unused fields and simplified logic (backported from master #310)
- Refactored audit logging related classes #445 (backported from master #303, #445, #306, #373, #368)
Release v1.6.0.0
- Support Elasticsearch 7.6.1 #292
- [Optimization] Implement faster version of implies type perm #198
- Adding capability to hot reload ssl certificates #263
- Added SuperAdmin check to allow update/delete/add of reserved config #242 (ported to master via #248 )
- Fix to use inner channel when channel is not direct or transport type #234 (ported to master via #248 )
- Fix for modifying user backend-roles without giving password #225 (ported to master via #248 )
Release v1.5.0.1
- Adding capability to hot reload ssl certificates
- Added changes for SuperAdmin to update/add/delete reserved configs
Release v0.10.1.1
- Adding capability to hot reload ssl certificates
- Added changes for SuperAdmin to update/add/delete reserved configs
Release v1.5.0.0
Support for Elasticsearch 7.5.2
- Support for Elasticsearch 7.1
- No major changes
- Version upgrade in pom file
- Improvements to Opendistro-For-Elasticsearch Security
- Elasticsearch version target: oss-6.7.1