- #1391 udpate legacy compilers
- #1390 update packages
- #1385 update client
- #1384 update client-browser
- #1383 update oc-client to get element on model
- #1381 fix put response
- #1375 compress compiled client
- #1374 serve client dev
- #1369 add AbortController to the globals
- #1368 update adapters
- #1365 update oc-client to 1.7.12
- #1364 Move to Biome
- #1363 calculate sizes on packaging and show in registry UI if available
- #1362 update oc client to fix a bug with externals
- #1359 add postRequestPayloadSize on dev and fix type
- #1358 move to p-limit await import. node 18 and improve plugin type
- #1357 ban eval from ocs
- #1354 update client browser
- #1353 always compile client on dev
- #1352 Add a compileClient option
- #1351 update oc client browser to 1.7.3
- #1350 fix not adding oc-client on dev mode multiple times
- #1346 Add support for Actions
- #1339 add dryrun on CLI and Registry
- #1334 [Snyk] Security upgrade oc-template-es6-compiler from 2.1.0 to 3.0.0
- #1327 showing all error when publishing fails
- #1337 send data-provider-error event
- #1336 add support for global fetch on components
- #1324 Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
- #1332 Bump webpack from 5.64.4 to 5.77.0
- #1329 check for exports data too
- #1320 make npmignore applied only to root folders
- #1319 Check unverified packages after start/publishing
- #1303 add ability to retreieve environment variables from an env file
- #1312 Upgrade project default Node.js version to 16
- #1317 Bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2
- #1315 include the entire console api in the production stub
- #1313 remove some any types
- #1308 Update project to Node.js 14.x
- #1310 Add Node.js v18 to CI
- #1306 Align the Node.js nvm version with the one in package.json
- #1301 add tarExtractMode for extracting packages
- #1300 allow for dev version for external dependencies
- #1302 Bump terser from 5.10.0 to 5.14.2
- #1298 Bump got from 11.8.3 to 11.8.5
- #1297 [Snyk] Security upgrade got from 11.8.3 to 11.8.5
- #1293 Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6
- #1299 Refactor types
- #1296 removing express-promise-router
- #1295 add option to send custom status code back to the registry
- #1292 dont watch files on temp folder from templates
- #1289 use polling on watch
- #1288 Update README documentation link
- #1287 [INTERNAL] reduce lodash usage on test/code
- #1286 Callback to promises
- #1285 [CB-INTERNAL] promisify publish route
- #1284 Update README.md
- #1273 [CB-INTERNAL] move nested renderer to promises
- #1272 [CB-INTERNAL] promisify registry
- #1269 [CB-INTERNAL] move plugins initialiser to promises
- #1267 [CB-INTERNAL] add express-promise-router to allow promises on routes
- #1266 [CB-INTERNAL] upgrade storage adapters and parse legacy ones
- #1265 [CB-INTERNAL] move components-details and repository to promises
- #1258 [INTERNAL-CB] move components cache to promises
- #1257 [INTERNAL-CB] Facade to promises
- #1247 Some repository methods to promises
- #1246 Registry cli to promises
- #1245 Local to promises
- #1242 move more files to promises
- #1241 Start moving callback based functions to promises
- #1283 add "open" link to component preview page
- #1279 improve auth flexibility allowing to pass any library on type field
- #1282 Minor logging improvements
- #1280 [INTERNAL] Allow for non-number port (i.e. pipe)
- #1277 [CLI-FEATURE] add registries options for oc publish
- #1276 [CLI-FEATURE] filter components to run when running oc dev
- #1270 [INTERNAL] remove code about module.paths pushing on authentication
- #1275 [INTERNAL] replace deprecated new Buffer to Buffer.from
- #1271 [TYPE IMPROVEMENT] remove global callback and dictionary types
- #1268 [IMPROVEMENT] Improve typings of events in events handler
- #1264 [INTERNAL] Replace lodash type checkers with typeof
- #1263 [INTERNAL] Replace usage of lodash _.extend with Object.assign
- #1261 [INTERNAL] type cleanRequire better
- #1256 [INTERNAL] enable noUnusedParameters and noImplicitReturns rules. fix problems
- #1260 [INTERNAL] Remove pad-zero util
- #1255 [INTERNAL] enable noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature option and fix problems
- #1253 [INTERNAL] Simplify log parameter names for newline
- #1262 [BUGFIX] Add back --prefix when installing dependencies
- #1259 [BUGFIX] remove prefix command on npm
- #1248 Type better baseUrlFunc and discoveryFunc
- #1249 use internal body-parser from express >=4.16
- #1250 reduce lodash functions where they are easy replaceable
- #1251 [INTERNAL] remove cjs export from facade, deal with it on cli/index
- #1252 [INTERNAL] reduce usage of null assertions
- #1254 [INTERNAL] disallow usage of one-var declarations
- #1244 clean up some ts-ignore comments
- #1243 Type a bit better package jsons, component package jsons and author-p…
- #1240 Refactor the rest of the remaining src file to TypeScript
- #1239 move to TS most of the cli/facade files
- #1238 Typescript: type Registry, some routes and refine return types on some files
- #1237 move require-wrapper and dependencies handlers to TS
- #1236 more registry and cli files to ts
- #1235 More registry domain ts
- #1234 Handle dependencies ts
- #1233 Validators ts
- #1232 Partial views ts
- #1231 add more types
- #1229 move mocks, authentication and clean-require to TS
- #1228 move routes helpers to TS
- #1227 Refactor some validators and domain files to TS
- #1225 Refactor some cli domain utils to TS
- #1226 move registry middleware files to TS
- #1224 refactor more utils to typescript
- #1223 Refactor some CLI and registry files to TS
- #1222 refactor views partials to TS
- #1221 refactor resources/ files to TS
- #1220 Refactor to TS views/static folder
- #1219 refactor some utils to TS
- #1218 Point tests to dist folder
- #1216 Typescript
- #1217 update packages
- #1209 remove wrap-cli-callback
- #1210 remove new references on non-classes
- #1215 add default empty object for object keys
- #1213 replace _.keys and _.values with their Object methods
- #1212 add request ip to the context obj
- #1207 [BREAKING] Update oc-client-browser to 1.5.3
- #1205 update packages
- #1206 remove stringformat
- #1204 sanitise templates and pollinginterval options
- #1202 Use chokidar
- #1201 add route for dependencies
- #1203 Drop support for Node 8/10
- #1200 upgrade oc-client to have es6 template by default
- #1199 Publish new version
- #1198 Upgrade oc client browser
- #1194 Available plugins
- #1196 clean eslint rule warnings/errors
- #1191 Add cli argument to skip dependencies packaging
- #1192 Update husky config
- #1190 Fix handling of missing dependencies
- #1189 Fix tests for windows
- #1185 update oc-client-browser package
- #1184 Add support for custom keepAliveTimeout config
- #1181 Handle scoped packages when removing version
- #1174 Handlebars OC Upgrade
- #1173 [SFX-2153] - Upgraded Handlebars Compiler
- #1172 [Snyk] Security upgrade oc-client from 3.2.10 to 3.2.11
- #1170 [SFX-2153] - Upgrading Handlerbars render to latest version
- #1158 Update mocha in package.json from 6.2.2 to 7.0.1
- #1157 Update async in package.json from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1
- #1165 prevent package.json changing when calling oc dev
- #1126 Update mocha in package.json from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2
- #1125 Update husky in package.json from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9
- #1121 Update lint-staged in package.json from 9.4.1 to 9.4.2
- #1119 Update cross-spawn in package.json from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1
- #1123 update travis.yml for node version 12
- #1124 Rollback handlebars
- #1114 Update oc-template-es6-compiler in package.json from 1.1.7 to 1.1.8
- #1117 Update oc-template-jade-compiler in package.json from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1
- #1118 Update various dependencies
- #1113 Update livereload in package.json from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2
- #1112 Update husky in package.json from 3.0.7 to 3.0.8
- #1111 Update lint-staged in package.json from 9.4.0 to 9.4.1
- #1109 Update husky in package.json from 3.0.5 to 3.0.7
- #1110 Update mocha in package.json from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1
- #1108 Update lint-staged in package.json from 9.3.0 to 9.4.0
- #1107 Update sinon in package.json from 7.4.2 to 7.5.0
- #1104 Update lint-staged in package.json from 9.2.5 to 9.3.0
- #1103 Update livereload in package.json from 0.8.0 to 0.8.1
- #1102 add off method (like EventListener.off)
- #1101 Update cross-spawn in package.json from ^6.0.3 to 7.0.0
- #1100 Update sinon in package.json from 7.4.1 to 7.4.2
- #1099 Update husky in package.json from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5
- #1087 Add catch and additional logging. #1086
- #1096 Circular json handler - tests and improvements
- #1098 Update oc-client in package.json from 3.2.7 to 3.2.8
- #1097 Update form-data in package.json from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1
- #1095 Update lint-staged in package.json from 9.2.3 to 9.2.5
- #1093 Update oc-s3-storage-adapter in package.json from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6
- #1092 Update oc-client-browser in package.json from 1.3.4 to 1.3.5
- #1088 Update semver-extra in package.json from 2.0.1 to 3.0.0
- #1090 Update husky in package.json from 3.0.2 to 3.0.4
- #1089 Update lint-staged in package.json from 9.2.1 to 9.2.3
- #1084 Update sinon in package.json from 7.3.2 to 7.4.1
- #1082 Update husky in package.json from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2
- #1081 Update lint-staged in package.json from 9.2.0 to 9.2.1
- #1080 Update semver in package.json from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0
- #1079 Update mocha in package.json from 6.1.4 to 6.2.0
- #1078 Update husky in package.json from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1
- #1065 Update fs-extra in package.json from 8.0.1 to 8.1.0
- #1075 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.2.1 to 9.2.0
- #1076 Update yargs in package.json from 13.2.4 to 13.3.0
- #1068 Update semver in package.json from 6.1.1 to 6.2.0
- #1069 Update husky in package.json from 2.5.0 to 3.0.0
- #1071 Update form-data in package.json from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
- #1061 Update async in package.json from ^2.6.0 to 3.1.0
- #1063 Update husky in package.json from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0
- #1058 Update prettier-eslint-cli in package.json from ^4.0.4 to 5.0.0
- #1059 Update form-data in package.json from 2.3.3 to 2.4.0
- #1060 Update oc-client in package.json from 3.2.6 to 3.2.7
- #1056 Added the support for changing the post request payload size
- #1055 Update husky in package.json from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1
- #1057 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1
- #1053 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.1.7 to 8.2.0
- #1052 Update husky in package.json from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0
- #1051 Update oc-template-jade-compiler in package.json from 6.2.7 to 7.0.0
- #1050 Update oc-template-jade in package.json from 6.0.13 to 7.0.0
- #1049 Update oc-template-es6-compiler in package.json from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7
- #1048 Update semver in package.json from 6.1.0 to 6.1.1
- #1047 Update oc-template-jade-compiler in package.json from 6.2.6 to 6.2.7
- #1045 Update oc-client in package.json from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6
- #1046 Update oc-s3-storage-adapter in package.json from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5
- #1044 Update oc-template-es6-compiler in package.json from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6
- #1043 [Snyk] Fix for 1 vulnerable dependencies
- #1041 Update express in package.json from 4.16.4 to 4.17.1
- #1039 Update semver in package.json from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0
- #1040 Update livereload in package.json from ^0.7.0 to 0.8.0
- #1033 Update fs-extra in package.json from 7.0.1 to 8.0.1
- #1035 Update husky in package.json from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
- #1034 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.1.6 to 8.1.7
- #1032 Update yargs in package.json from 13.2.2 to 13.2.4
- #1030 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.1.5 to 8.1.6
- #1029 Update husky in package.json from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0
- #1024 set headers for getComponents
- #1028 Update body-parser in package.json from 1.18.3 to 1.19.0
- #1027 Update husky in package.json from 1.3.1 to 2.1.0
- #1026 Update mocha in package.json from 6.1.3 to 6.1.4
- #1025 Update sinon in package.json from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2
- #1021 Update mocha in package.json from 6.1.2 to 6.1.3
- #1019 Update mocha in package.json from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2
- #1018 Update mocha in package.json from 6.0.2 to 6.1.1
- #1017 Update serialize-error in package.json from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0
- #1016 Update semver in package.json from 5.6.0 to 6.0.0
- #1015 Update sinon in package.json from 7.3.0 to 7.3.1
- #1013 Update oc-client in package.json from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5
- #1012 Remove support for node 6
- #1010 Update serialize-error in package.json from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0
- #1011 Update sinon in package.json from 7.2.7 to 7.3.0
- #1009 Update opn in package.json from 5.4.0 to 5.5.0
- #1008 Update yargs in package.json from 13.2.1 to 13.2.2
- #1007 Update sinon in package.json from 7.2.6 to 7.2.7
- #1005 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.1.4 to 8.1.5
- #1006 Update sinon in package.json from 7.2.5 to 7.2.6
- #1004 Update sinon in package.json from 7.2.4 to 7.2.5
- #1003 Update mocha in package.json from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
- #1002 Update mocha in package.json from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1
- #1001 [Snyk] Fix for 1 vulnerable dependencies
- #1000 [Snyk] Fix for 1 vulnerable dependencies
- #997 Update yargs in package.json from 13.2.0 to 13.2.1
- #999 Update sinon in package.json from 7.2.3 to 7.2.4
- #998 Update mocha in package.json from ^5.0.0 to 6.0.0
- #996 Update yargs in package.json from 13.1.0 to 13.2.0
- #995 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.1.3 to 8.1.4
- #994 Update yargs in package.json from 12.0.5 to 13.1.0
- #993 Update oc-client in package.json from 3.2.2 to 3.2.3
- #992 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.1.2 to 8.1.3
- #991 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.1.1 to 8.1.2
- #990 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.1.0 to 8.1.1
- #988 Update sinon in package.json from 7.2.2 to 7.2.3
- #986 Update husky in package.json from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1
- #983 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler in package.json from 6.2.4 to 6.2.6
- #985 Update oc-template-jade-compiler in package.json from 6.2.4 to 6.2.6
- #984 Update oc-template-es6-compiler in package.json from 1.1.3 to 1.1.5
- #979 Update oc-template-jade in package.json from 6.0.12 to 6.0.13
- #975 Update dependency-graph in package.json from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0
- #978 Update husky in package.json from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0
- #976 Update sinon in package.json from 7.1.1 to 7.2.2
- #977 Update husky in package.json from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
- #973 Update colors in package.json from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3
- #971 oc package now is able to reuse modules in component path
- #951 Update form-data in package.json from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3
- #970 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.0.5 to 8.1.0
- #969 Update husky in package.json from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0
- #968 Update yargs in package.json from 12.0.2 to 12.0.5
- #966 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.0.4 to 8.0.5
- #958 Update fs-extra in package.json from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1
- #963 Update node dependency to >= 8
- #960 Added editorconfig file
- #956 Update sinon in package.json from 7.1.0 to 7.1.1
- #955 Update lint-staged in package.json from 8.0.0 to 8.0.4
- #953 Update lint-staged in package.json from ^7.0.0 to 8.0.0
- #946 Update serialize-error in package.json from ^2.1.0 to 3.0.0
- #952 Update sinon in package.json from 6.3.5 to 7.1.0
- #949 Update semver in package.json from 5.5.1 to 5.6.0
- #948 Update husky in package.json from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2
- #947 Update express in package.json from 4.16.3 to 4.16.4
- #941 [Suggestion] Handling relative path when initiating component
- #944 Update sinon in package.json from 6.3.4 to 6.3.5
- #945 Update husky in package.json from 1.0.1 to 1.1.1
- #940 Update husky in package.json from ^0.14.3 to 1.0.1
- #936 Update sinon in package.json from 6.1.5 to 6.3.4
- #939 Update chai in package.json from 4.1.2 to 4.2.0
- #933 Update morgan in package.json from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1
- #926 Update dependency-graph in package.json from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2
- #937 Update opn in package.json from 5.3.0 to 5.4.0
- #924 Update semver in package.json from 5.5.0 to 5.5.1
- #925 Update colors in package.json from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
- #930 Update oc-s3-storage-adapter in package.json from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4
- #932 Update yargs in package.json from 12.0.1 to 12.0.2
- #931 expose express app to registry
- #923 Update sinon in package.json from 6.1.4 to 6.1.5
- #920 Update colors in package.json from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1
- #919 Update sinon in package.json from 6.1.3 to 6.1.4
- #917 Update fs-extra in package.json from 6.0.1 to 7.0.0
- #916 Update oc-s3-storage-adapter in package.json from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3
- #915 Update oc-storage-adapters-utils in package.json from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
- #914 Update sinon in package.json from 6.1.0 to 6.1.3
- #910 Update yargs in package.json from ^11.0.0 to 12.0.1
- #912 Update sinon in package.json from 6.0.1 to 6.1.0
- #909 fix for issue 907
- #908 Update sinon in package.json from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1
- #905 Update sinon in package.json from ^5.0.10 to 6.0.0
- #904 Upgrade deps
- #902 Update oc-client in package.json from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1
- #895 Update chai in package.json from 3.5.0 to 4.1.2
- #903 Update oc-client-browser in package.json from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3
- #899 Fix oc-cli breaking on Windows when modifying files
- #901 Update dependency-graph in package.json from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1
- #900 Update oc-client in package.json from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0
- #897 [DX-515] Async waterfall was calling the wrong callback
- #896 Update compilers
- #891 Update oc-client-browser in package.json from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
- #890 Update fs-extra in package.json from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1
- #889 Update express in package.json from 4.16.2 to 4.16.3
- #888 Switch from Greenkeeper to dependencies.io
- #885 Add .idea/ in files patterns to ignore
- #886 Lock broken version of es6-compiler
- #881 chore(package): update sinon to version 5.0.10
- #884 ensuring trailing slash to the registry url before removing
- #882 Update builtin-modules to the latest version 🚀
- #878 Update colors to the latest version 🚀
- #876 Upgrade lodash
- #877 UI bugfix
- #872 [DX-497] OC Clean
- #871 [DX-467] Legacy cleanup Part I
- #869 [DX-496] Fix port allocation for liveReload
- #870 Update fs-extra to the latest version 🚀
- #864 [DX-467] Remove Pug dependency from the UI
- #865 Integrate CI to modern node versions
- #866 Update colors to the latest version 🚀
- #862 [DX-467] Add ES6 template as default core template
- #863 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #861 Housekeeping
- #852 [DX-412] Empty response setter on context
- #860 Housekeeping
- #859 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #858 Update oc-client-browser to the latest version 🚀
- #857 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #856 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #855 Update oc-template-jade to the latest version 🚀
- #853 Update oc-template-handlebars to the latest version 🚀
- #851 Update sinon to the latest version 🚀
- #849 Update pug to the latest version 🚀
- #848 Update accept-language-parser to the latest version 🚀
- #847 Update pug to the latest version 🚀
- #846 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #842 Update oc-template-handlebars to the latest version 🚀
- #843 Update oc-template-jade to the latest version 🚀
- #844 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #845 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #841 Add license scan report and status
- #840 Update opn to the latest version 🚀
- #839 Update colors to the latest version 🚀
- #838 Update colors to the latest version 🚀
- #837 Update pug to the latest version 🚀
- #835 Update pug to the latest version 🚀
- #834 Update livereload to the latest version 🚀
- #832 Update lint-staged to the latest version 🚀
- #830 Update form-data to the latest version 🚀
- #829 Added author to components list view and author filter
- #828 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #827 Update oc-client-browser to the latest version 🚀
- #826 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #825 [DX-385] Add sourcemaps to server.js during dev, add path to node's vm
- #820 [DX-353] Serialize exception
- #818 Update oc-s3-storage-adapter to the latest version 🚀
- #816 updated logo asset
- #815 update docs for new organisation
- #814 Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴
- #813 [DX-366] Allow usage of protocol in storage.options.path
- #812 Update oc-s3-storage-adapter to the latest version 🚀
- #811 [DX-363] Registry conf.env sanitizer
- #810 [DX-270] Async update
- #809 fix(package): update cross-spawn to version 6.0.3
- #806 Update minimal-request to the latest version 🚀
- #805 Update mocha to the latest version 🚀
- #804 Update dependency-graph to the latest version 🚀
- #802 Update semver to the latest version 🚀
- #801 Update opn to the latest version 🚀
- #792 Add test for issue #789 showing error message [Object object]
- #795 [DX-324] full async plugins initialisation
- #794 [DX-296] Mocks can have the same signature as real plugins
- #793 Update oc-s3-storage-adapter to the latest version 🚀
- #790 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #791 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #788 Update fs-extra to the latest version 🚀
- #786 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #787 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #785 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #784 Update oc-client-browser to the latest version 🚀
- #782 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #783 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #781 Update fs-extra to the latest version 🚀
- #775 Add github issue/PR templates
- #780 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #779 Update oc-client-browser to the latest version 🚀
- #776 Update lint-staged to the latest version 🚀
- #774 logger.fail bugfix
- #773 [DX-283] Dependencies handler on packaging
- #772 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #771 [DX-277] Pass the templates down to the client via the registry
- #770 Update oc-client-browser to the latest version 🚀
- #768 [DX-247] dev/publish cli mode - prevent some deps to run in an infinite loop
- #765 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #766 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #763 passing prefix option to dev cmd
- #764 Revert "Update async to the latest version 🚀"
- #740 Update async to the latest version 🚀
- #761 fix(package): update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to version 6.1.7
- #649 Update yargs to the latest version 🚀
- #760 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #759 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #758 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #753 Update lint-staged to the latest version 🚀
- #756 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #754 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #755 Update builtin-modules to the latest version 🚀
- #751 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #749 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #747 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #746 Update oc-template-handlebars to the latest version 🚀
- #745 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #744 Update oc-template-handlebars to the latest version 🚀
- #743 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #742 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #739 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #737 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #736 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #735 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #734 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #733 Repackage all components when file is outside component dir
- #732 Prettify all the things
- #731 this-less cleanup
- #729 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #710 [DX-185] install compiler inside each components' dir
- #725 [DX-221] Removing two clones
- #724 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #723 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #722 [DX-218] Expose cli to be used programmatically
- #719 Update dependency-graph to the latest version 🚀
- #721 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #720 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #718 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #717 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #716 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #715 Update oc-template-handlebars to the latest version 🚀
- #714 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #713 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #712 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #711 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #709 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #708 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #707 Update oc-client-browser to the latest version 🚀
- #706 Update oc-client-browser to the latest version 🚀
- #705 [DX-202] Changelog fix
- #704 [DX-202] Execute all the tests
- #659 Issue #464: Replaces Grunt with NPM scripts
- #703 Infinite npm i loop fix
- #702 Update dependency-graph to the latest version 🚀
- #701 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #700 Error publish
- #699 Meaningful error shown when publish fails due to a generic API error
- #695 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #688 Decouple s3
- #692 [DX-197] Watcher bugfix
- #690 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #689 ignoring lock files
- #687 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #686 [DX-185] Removed NPM as dependency
- #685 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #681 [DX-185] Refactoring
- #684 Update mocha to the latest version 🚀
- #679 [Snyk Update] New fixes for 2 vulnerable dependency paths
- #678 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #677 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #673 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #675 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #674 Update oc-template-handlebars to the latest version 🚀
- #676 Update oc-template-jade to the latest version 🚀
- #672 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #670 Update morgan to the latest version 🚀
- #671 Update oc-template-jade to the latest version 🚀
- #669 Upgrade Express as patch
- #666 Update oc-template-jade to the latest version 🚀
- #667 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #665 Update sinon to the latest version 🚀
- #664 chore(package): update lint-staged to version 4.2.3
- #660 Update body-parser to the latest version 🚀
- #661 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #658 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #655 fix(package): update oc-template-jade-compiler to version 6.1.1
- #656 fix(package): update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to version 6.1.1
- #657 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #654 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #653 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #652 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #645 Update oc-template-handlebars to the latest version 🚀
- #647 Update oc-template-jade to the latest version 🚀
- #646 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #644 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #648 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #643 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #632 Improve watching for Dev registry
- #641 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #635 liveReload
- #639 Update fs-extra to the latest version 🚀
- #637 Update body-parser to the latest version 🚀
- #638 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #640 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #636 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #634 Update body-parser to the latest version 🚀
- #633 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #631 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #629 Update pug to the latest version 🚀
- #630 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #628 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #626 Update oc-client
- #625 Update oc-client-browser
- #624 inititalzie the dev registry with the dynamic require templatee
- #619 Issue #618 : Accessing s3 bucket over a proxy from oc-registry
- #621 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #620 Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴
- #617 [OC-140] Declarative templates initialisation on a registry level
- #613 Pass option to the compiler for targeting specific build process
- #616 [OC-93] Update oc-client
- #615 [OC-93] Update oc-client
- #612 [OC-127] Fix templates breaking change
- #605 [OC-102] Return rendered version if client doesn't support
- #610 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #608 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #607 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #609 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #604 Updated logo
- #606 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #595 Add ability to disable watching on local dev registry
- #603 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #597 [OC-120] Registry webUI: preview route/view bug
- #601 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #602 Update oc-client to the latest version 🚀
- #600 Update oc-client-browser to the latest version 🚀
- #599 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #594 Update sinon to the latest version 🚀
- #592 [OC-103]
- #590 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #589 Add viewport meta tag to component preview
- #588 [OC-87] publish with the new template system
- #587 Update pug to the latest version 🚀
- #586 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #585 Update fs-extra to the latest version 🚀
- #584 Update accept-language-parser to the latest version 🚀
- #580 [OC-86] Logging href, renderMode on the component-retrieved events
- #578 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #579 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #577 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #576 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #566 [OC-9] Components history seems to have wrong dates
- #574 fix(package): update semver to version 5.4.1
- #570 Update oc-template-handlebars to the latest version 🚀
- #571 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #572 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #573 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #569 Validation fix
- #568 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #565 Housekeeping
- #564 Removed uglify-js
- #560 Update oc-template-jade-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #559 Update oc-template-handlebars-compiler to the latest version 🚀
- #525 [OC-49] Templates
- #558 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #557 [OC-75] Add status to the component-retrieved event log
- #555 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #554 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #552 remove .Only from tests
- #550 Update uglify-js to the latest version 🚀
- #551 Update lint-staged to the latest version 🚀
- #549 Update webpack to the latest version 🚀
- #548 Update aws-sdk to the latest version 🚀
- #547 Update fs-extra to the latest version 🚀
- #501 Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴
- #546 Fixing spacing when initializing component package
- #545 Added a mime type for html files.
- #537 No postinstall build
- #533 [OC-62] Loaders cleanup
- #532 fix-global-ljs
- #531 Fix register plugin
- #530 Remove plugin detective logic
- #528 [OC-50] Log body fix
- #527 Do not watch .DS_Store files
- #522 Issue w/ head.load
- #488 yarn-support
closes #487
- #516 Improve AWS upload mechanism and allow to override registry timeout settings
- #513 issue w/ registry add command
- #510 Hide available dependencies on dev mode
- #500 Show available dependencies in the UI
- #495 issue w/ plugins detective
- #486 Render trycatch
- #482 Upgrade multer
- #481 issue-with-amd
- #467 [MLP-594] History
- #468 Underscore to lodash
- #463 Components cache cleanup
- #461 Registry start log fix
- #460 Move to =>
- #459 Fix manual build script
- #458 Cleanup
- #454 Logger cleanup
- #455 UI interface tests
- #457 Log error before exiting
- #456 Removed trailing spaces
- #452 var => let/const
- #453 Fix indentation
- #450 Replace jshint by eslint
- #449 No unused variables
- #447 Components by dir cleanup
- #446 Consider null a valid string
- #443 Use baseUrl as default with host as fallback
- #444 Require templates is broken
- #430 [GPT-567] Registering supported templates on componentPreview view
- #429 [GPT-518] dynamically register templates on browser client
- #426 [GPT-565] Dynamic support to oc-templates in oc dev
- #421 Minify static content by transpiling it first
- #420 revert #418
- #418 Transpile static js before minification
- #417 support old and new handlebars type
- #413 Fix ui preview with multiple discover strategies and endpoints
- #414 [GPT-525] Switch to new templates naming
- #412 Async compile api
- #411 Babili on server.js
- #408 Ensuring we exit the domains in case of timeout
- #396 Make oc-client.js supporting more templates via an extendable API
- #403 Fix for #391 - support pre-release versions of components
- #1 Thanks @matteofigus. I forgot about it.
- #401 Webpack verbose
- #380 Handle fallbackRegistryUrl for ~info and ~preview
- #397 Fix basicAuth
- #389 Fix regex on win paths normalisation
- #388 Fixing deps on the node client
- #347 342 - (OC Client) Perform GET instead of POST for single component
- #342 Change the OC Client to perform GET instead of POST when requesting just one component
- #385 updated to templates 2.0
- #382 Consistency
- #376 Cleanup un-needed files
- #375 oc-template-jade module
- #371 oc-template-handlebars module
- #366 Express 4
- #370 Cleanup on headers handling
- #367 Always create new S3 client before use
- #365 Publish bugfix
- #364 Don't allow routes that contain prefix
- #357 Webpack 2
- #346 [GPT-432] Package server webpack
- #356 Appveyor cleanup
- #355 drop support for node 0.10, 0.12 and io
- #352 Update sauce versions matrix
- #353 Remove IE8 support
- #343 333 - Implement customHeadersToSkipOnWeakVersion functionality
- #349 Upgrade minimal-request
- #348 [acceptance/registry] remove .only
- #344 Package server script cleanup
- #335 Add endpoint for getting list of components with their versions (#324)
- #337 Fix for #336 - Make S3 Key/Secret optional to allow support for "IAM role based access to s3 from EC2"
- #331 Client fixes and some tests
- #329 Cleanup npm-shrinkwrap
- #328 Fix for Custom eaders of one component can appear to another.
- #326 Add optional cache headers for components (#325)
- #319 Extract package bugfix
- #317 Client dynamic hrefs
- #316 Migrate tar.gz to targz
- #315 aws-sdk upgrade
- #314 Revert async upgrade + timeout wrapping
- #313 Recursively look for oc.json, starting from componentsDir
- #312 Options bugfix
- #311 Refactoring, cleanup, test coverage
- #310 Upgrade async + wrap s3 calls to timeout
- #303 Client#renderComponents accepts global parameters
- #302 Added name and reqest version to each response
- #301 Oc client jadeless
- #294 Upgrade npm dependency
- #293 Ui improvements
- #291 Client errors
- #290 Update [email protected]
- #288 oc-client warmup improvements
- #289 Upgrade dependency
- #287 Node 6
- #286 Hot reload
- #285 npm install and dep resolvement needs to happen in the same dir
- #269 Removing the loading... indicator when we have an error
- #278 Container client override
- #279 Update safari configs
- #280 Respect dependency versions for components
- #274 Revert tar.gz upgrade
- #270 server-side nested rendering
- #265 [careful + breaking change] Removed Handlebars 3 support
- #266 Publish fix
- #263 oc-client publish fix
- #261 Client rendering fix
- #260 Client fix
- #243 [careful] handlebars 3+4
- #258 added support for serving svg
- #256 More dependencies upgrade
- #254 Dependencies upgrade
- #255 Renamed src to public
- #253 Updated instructions of how to add static resource to the file
- #251 check is dir with lstatSync
- #242 Upgrade npm
- #241 adds dependencies badge in readme
- #240 add some basic example components
- #239 Update README
- #238 Logo path fixed in web interface
- #235 Moved things around
- #232 Upgrade async
- #230 Fixed Changelog generator task
- #229 Empty string should be a valid string parameter
- #222 Compress inlined js and css inside jade views
- #221 Removed ace editor + added Accept-Language box
- #218 Upgrade jade
- #215 mock bugfix for when a value is not a string
- #213 [Docs] description of oc.renderInfo param
- #212 Changelog using git history instead of github api
- #211 Forward request headers to component
- #204 add "getRepositoryUrl" in order to support repository package.json property as object
- #206 Fix travis forks PRs
- #201 Added license on minified oc-client.min.js
- #200 Have optional callbacks in CLI functions
- #198 More details on errors from node client
- #197 Return null when there's no error in renderComponents
- #195 Warmup on client.init
- #196 Adding user-agent to node oc-client
- #194 Cleanup on client
- #190 Publish error
- #189 Safe colors in order to avoid extending object and better testing
- #187 Moved the request util to its own module
- #186 Preserve language when doing client-side failover
- #182 Node.js client post and various improvements
- #184 Allow oc dev to be hosted from a custom base url
- #178 node.js client should accept serverRendering and clientRendering endpoints instead of generic array (breaking change)
- #179 Oc client cleanup and improvements
- #180 update the dependencies
- #177 Npm ignore to avoid publishing unuseful stuff
- #173 Ownership of $$$
- #172 Avoid client to be multiple times inside the page
- #171 Without cleaning up the namespace
- #170 jQuery in no conflict mode
- #169 pre-rendered modality is deprecated
- #166 Bugfix and docs
- #165 Making the POST response API return status and response for each comp…
- #164 New component-retrieved event
- #159 should have an explicit dep on phantom
- #155 Removing info, ls, link, unlink
- #153 js.gz + css.gz handling
- #148 only remove the package once published to all registries
- #152 woopsy, I broke
oc dev
- #151 Run karma tests by default
- #144 Oc client limited retries
- #141 allow plugins to depend on one another (breaking change)
- #147 Refactor cli/domain/local
- #145 oc dev fix (ie 8+)
- #143 Fix cli crash when
oc dev
reads a broken package.json
- #140 Hacking on travis
- #139 prerendered -> unrendered
- #134 Added tagging when upgrading version
- #133 Empty component fix
- #132 have to actually call registry.register for the plugins
- #131 Mock plugins tests
- #130 add support for dynamic plugin mocks
- #125 Prevent infinite loops
- #127 Node version validation
- #126 Client performance optimisations, readme, and cleanup
- #123 don't set reqinfo on this
- #122 Don't play with SauceLabs - downgrading all the stuff
- #120 first go at an interface for auth plugins
- #117 Some clean-up
- #116 if creds are specified on the opts object, don't prompt for them
- #113 Added preventing old oc versions to publish
- #112 Added 'Updated' date field in web interface (#110)
- #108 Little improvements
- #105 Preview refactoring
- #102 Hacking on web interface
- #103 publish step has an optional callback
- #104 pass options to registry to override at runtime
- #101 Adding some tests and refactoring server.js packaging
- #100 Execution timeout
- #99 Static subfolders packaging bugfix
- #98 Component execution error - more details and bugfix
- #97 Separating local dependencies and checking tab size
- #91 Adding 'troubleshooting' section
- #96 Fixed the oc.build functionality for client-side ie8 execution
- #94 Support minifying ie8 compatible css files
- #81 Html components discovery #73
- #88 err message and stack are stored in getters which don't get resolved.…
- #86 Don't Watch Vim Swap Files
- #85 Ruby gems links
- #83 Auto cli docs
- #82 Zero number bugfix
- #80 Correct hashKey spelling
- #68 Registry Plugins
- #79 Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md
- #77 allow jade to render partials
- #76 Sauce labs stabilization
- #75 Autocomplete experiment
- #74 specify registry from terminal
- #67 Refactoring, cleanup
- #66 README update
- #65 server.js' req -> context
- #64 Upgrading dependencies
- #63 Fix etag
- #60 Auto install modules
- #58 ignore failures in dev server when loading modules
- #59 Async refactoring
- #52 publish to all the registries listed in oc.json
- #57 Some tests in support of json require functionality
- #56 Enabling json local requires
- #55 Sauce labs hacking
- #54 Minify automagically component's static resources when publishing
- #53 Windows publish
- #50 Added oc.build functionality and tests
- #47 Testing
- #24 Docs Part I
- #46 Added preview functionality
- #45 karma
- #44 Added the container options on package to avoid container to be shown on...
- #43 Registry on refactoring
- #42 Cleanup
- #41 registry cache optimisations
- #40 Cleanup
- #39 S3 fix
- #37 Pre-rendered header -> accept application/vnd.oc.prerendered+json
- #35 Console log
- #32 Nodejs client
- #31 Div rendering
- #29 added command line parameter for template type
- #28 throwing exception when registry is initialised with invalid conf #25
- #22 Ie 9-10 client-side rendering
- #21 Registry events
- #20 Added onRequest functionality on config + improved routing
- #18 Publish basic auth
- #14 0.3.2
- #11 Oc version fix
- #10 added oc version to component package
- #4 Some fixes
- #3 Client componentisation
- #2 Update README.md
- #1 Readme