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uiautomator2 XPath Extension

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Before using this plugin, you need to understand some XPath knowledge. Fortunately, there are many convenient resources available online. Below are some examples:

The code has not been fully tested and may still have bugs. Feedback is welcome.

How It Works

  1. Use the dump_hierarchy interface from the uiautomator2 library to obtain the current UI screen (a comprehensive XML).
  2. Then use the lxml library to parse and search for matching XPath expressions, and perform click operations using the click command.

Currently, lxml only supports XPath 1.0. If anyone knows how to support XPath 2.0, please let me know.

Popup Monitoring Principle

The hierarchy provides information about all elements on the screen (including popups and buttons to be clicked). Suppose there are two popup buttons: Skip and Got It. The button to be clicked is Play.

  1. Obtain the current screen’s XML (using the dump_hierarchy function).
  2. Check if the Skip or Got It buttons are present. If they are, click them and return to step 1.
  3. Check if the Play button is present. If it is, click it and finish. If not found, return to step 1 and keep executing until the search attempts exceed the limit.


pip3 install -U uiautomator2


Simple Usage

Check out the following simple example to understand how to use it:

import uiautomator2 as u2

def main():
    d = u2.connect()
    d.app_start("com.netease.cloudmusic", stop=True)

    d.xpath('//*[@text="Private FM"]').click()
    # Advanced Usage (Element Positioning)

    # Starting with @
    d.xpath('@personal-fm') # Equivalent to d.xpath('//*[@resource-id="personal-fm"]')
    # Multiple condition positioning, similar to AND
    d.xpath('//android.widget.Button').xpath('//*[@text="Private FM"]')
    d.xpath('//*[@text="Private FM"]').parent() # Position to the parent element
    d.xpath('//*[@text="Private FM"]').parent("@android:list") # Position to the parent element that meets the condition

    # When using child, it is not recommended to use multiple condition XPath because it can be confusing
    # Equivalent to the following
    # d.xpath('//*[@resource-id="android:id/list"]/android.widget.TextView').click()

For convenience, the following code does not include import and main. It is assumed that the variable d exists.

Operations of XPathSelector

sl = d.xpath("@com.example:id/home_searchedit") # sl is an XPathSelector object

# Click # Specify a timeout, throws XPathElementNotFoundError if not found
sl.click_exists() # Click if exists, returns whether the click was successful
sl.click_exists(timeout=10) # Wait up to 10 seconds

sl.match() # Returns None if not matched, otherwise returns an XMLElement

# Wait for the corresponding element to appear, returns XMLElement
# The default waiting time is 10 seconds
el = sl.wait()
el = sl.wait(timeout=15) # Wait for 15 seconds, returns None if not found

# Wait for the element to disappear

# Similar to wait, but throws XPathElementNotFoundError if not found
el = sl.get() 
el = sl.get(timeout=15)

# Change the default waiting time to 15 seconds
d.xpath.global_set("timeout", 15)
d.xpath.implicitly_wait(15) # Equivalent to the previous line (TODO: Removed)

print(sl.exists) # Returns whether it exists (bool)
sl.get_last_match() # Get the last matched XMLElement

sl.get_text() # Get the component name
sl.set_text("") # Clear the input box
sl.set_text("hello world") # Input "hello world" into the input box

# Iterate through all matched elements
for el in d.xpath('//android.widget.EditText').all():
    print("rect:", el.rect) # Output tuple: (x, y, width, height)
    print("center:", # Click operation
    print(el.elem) # Output the Node parsed by lxml

# Child operation
# Equivalent to d.xpath('//*[@resource-id="android:id/list"]/android.widget.TextView').all()

Advanced Search Syntax

Added in version 3.1

# Find text=NFC AND id=android:id/item
(d.xpath("NFC") & d.xpath("@android:id/item")).get()

# Find text=NFC OR id=android:id/item
(d.xpath("NFC") | d.xpath("App") | d.xpath("Content")).get()

# Supports more complex queries
((d.xpath("NFC") | d.xpath("@android:id/item")) & d.xpath("//android.widget.TextView")).get()

Operations of XMLElement

# The object returned by XPathSelector.get() is called XMLElement
el = d.xpath("@com.example:id/home_searchedit").get()

lx, ly, width, height = el.rect # Get the top-left coordinates and size
lx, ly, rx, ry = el.bounds # Top-left and bottom-right coordinates
x, y = # Get the element’s center position
x, y = el.offset(0.5, 0.5) # Same as center()

# Send click

# Print text content

# Get the attributes within the group, as a dict

# Take a screenshot of the control (the principle is to take a full screenshot first, then crop)

# Swipe the control
el.swipe("right") # left, right, up, down
el.swipe("right", scale=0.9) # scale defaults to 0.9, meaning the swipe distance is 90% of the control's width. Swiping up uses 90% of the height.

# Output example
 'index': '0',
 'text': '',
 'resourceId': 'com.example:id/home_searchedit',
 'checkable': 'true',
 'checked': 'true',
 'clickable': 'true',
 'enabled': 'true',
 'focusable': 'false',
 'focused': 'false',
 'scrollable': 'false',
 'longClickable': 'false',
 'password': 'false',
 'selected': 'false',
 'visibleToUser': 'true',
 'childCount': 0,
 'className': 'android.widget.Switch',
 'bounds': {'left': 882, 'top': 279, 'right': 1026, 'bottom': 423},
 'packageName': '',
 'contentDescription': '',
 'resourceName': 'android:id/switch_widget'

Swipe to a Specified Position

The scroll_to feature is newly added and may not be fully polished (for example, it cannot detect if it has scrolled to the bottom).

First, see the example:

from uiautomator2 import connect_usb, Direction

d = connect_usb()

d.scroll_to("Place Order")
d.scroll_to("Place Order", Direction.FORWARD) # Defaults to scrolling down. Other options include BACKWARD, HORIZ_FORWARD (horizontal), HORIZ_BACKWARD (horizontal reverse)
d.scroll_to("Place Order", Direction.HORIZ_FORWARD, max_swipes=5)

# Additionally, you can scroll within a specified element
d.xpath('').scroll_to("Place Order", Direction.HORIZ_FORWARD)

A More Complete Example

import uiautomator2 as u2
from uiautomator2 import Direction

def main():
    d = u2.connect()
    d.app_start("com.netease.cloudmusic", stop=True)

    # Steps
    d.xpath("//*[@text='Private FM']/../android.widget.ImageView").click()
    d.xpath("Next Song").click()

    # Monitor popups for 2 seconds, the time may exceed 2 seconds
    d.xpath("Go to Previous Level").click()
    d.xpath("Go to Previous Level").click(watch=False) # Click without triggering watch
    d.xpath("Go to Previous Level").click(timeout=5.0) # Wait timeout 5 seconds

    d.xpath.watch_background() # Enable background monitoring mode, checks every 4 seconds by default
    d.xpath.watch_background(interval=2.0) # Check every 2 seconds
    d.xpath.watch_stop() # Stop monitoring

    for el in d.xpath('//android.widget.EditText').all():
        print("rect:", el.rect) # Output tuple: (left_x, top_y, width, height)
        print("bounds:", el.bounds) # Output tuple: (left, top, right, bottom)
        print("center:", # Click operation
        print(el.elem) # Output the Node parsed by lxml

    # Swiping
    el = d.xpath('').get()

    # Swipe from right to left
    el.swipe(Direction.LEFT) # Swipe from right to left

    # Swipe from bottom to top

    el.swipe("right", scale=0.9) # scale defaults to 0.9, swipe distance is 80% of the control's width, the swipe center aligns with the control's center
    el.swipe("up", scale=0.5) # Swipe distance is 50% of the control's height

    # scroll is different from swipe; scroll returns a bool indicating whether new elements appeared
    el.scroll(Direction.FORWARD) # Swipe down
    el.scroll(Direction.BACKWARD) # Swipe up
    el.scroll(Direction.HORIZ_FORWARD) # Swipe horizontally forward
    el.scroll(Direction.HORIZ_BACKWARD) # Swipe horizontally backward

    if el.scroll("forward"):
        print("Can continue scrolling")

PageSource Object

Added in version 3.1

This is an advanced usage, but this object is also the most fundamental, as almost all functions depend on it.

What is PageSource?

PageSource is initialized from the return value of d.dump_hierarchy(). It is mainly used to find elements through XPath.


source = d.xpath.get_page_source()

# find_elements is the core method
elements = source.find_elements('//android.widget.TextView') # List[XMLElement]
for el in elements:

# Get coordinates and click
x, y = elements[0].center(), y)

# Multiple condition query syntax
es1 = source.find_elements('//android.widget.TextView')
es2 = source.find_elements(XPath('@android:id/content').joinpath("//*"))

# Find TextViews that do not belong to nodes under id=android:id/content
els = set(es1) - set(es2)

# Find TextViews that belong to nodes under id=android:id/content
els = set(es1) & set(es2)

XPath Rules

To write scripts faster, we have customized some simplified XPath rules.

Rule 1

Starting with // represents native XPath.

Rule 2

Starting with @ represents resourceId positioning.

@smartisanos:id/right_container is equivalent to //*[@resource-id="smartisanos:id/right_container"]

Rule 3

Starting with ^ represents a regular expression.

^.*done is equivalent to //*[re:match(text(), '^.*done')]

Rule 4

Inspired by SQL LIKE

Know% matches text starting with Know, equivalent to //*[starts-with(text(), 'Know')]

%Know matches text ending with Know, equivalent to //*[ends-with(text(), 'Know')]

%Know% matches text containing Know, equivalent to //*[contains(text(), 'Know')]

Last Rule

Matches both text and description fields.

For example, Search is equivalent to XPath //*[@text="Search" or @content-desc="Search" or @resource-id="Search"]

Special Notes

  • Sometimes, className contains characters like $@#&, which are invalid in XML. Therefore, they are all replaced with ..

Some Advanced Uses of XPath

# All elements

# Elements where resource-id contains 'login'
//*[contains(@resource-id, 'login')]

# Buttons containing 'Account' or 'Account Number'
/android.widget.Button[contains(@text, 'Account') or contains(@text, 'Account Number')]

# The second element among all ImageViews

# The last element among all ImageViews

# Elements where className contains 'ImageView'
//*[contains(name(), "ImageView")]

Some Useful Websites

If you have other resources, feel free to submit Issues to contribute.