TSC members
- Norman Ashley (Cisco)
- Michael Baentsch (independent contributor)
- Thomas Bailleux (SandboxAQ)
- Basil Hess (IBM Research)
- Brian Jarvis (AWS)
- Christian Paquin (Microsoft Research)
- Douglas Stebila (University of Waterloo)
Other attendees
- Alex Bozarth
- Deirdre Connolly
- Jason Goertzen
- Nigel Jones
- Ry Jones
- Michael Maximilien
- Hart Montgomery
- Massimiliano Pala
- Spencer Wilson
Douglas welcomes attendees to the first meeting of the OQS TSC.
Douglas opens the floor to nominations for a TSC chair.
Ry recommends that the TSC appoint a chair and a co-chair, who can lead meetings in the chair's absence and assist with organization.
The following names are nominated for chair or co-chair:
- Douglas
- Max
- Basil
- Brian
- Thomas
It is noted that the chair and co-chair need to be a voting member of the TSC, so Max is not eligible.
Douglas asks each nominee if they would like to stand for chair or co-chair. The responses are:
- Douglas: chair or co-chair
- Basil: co-chair
- Brian: co-chair
- Thomas: co-chair
Decision: For election of the chair, a roll call vote is held. Douglas is elected chair.
Decision: For election of a co-chair, each TSC member is asked to send a private message to Ry Jones via Zoom chat, who will tally the votes. Ry reports that Basil received the largest vote.
Action: Douglas and Ry will initiate a voting procedure discussion on Github which will be brought back to this body at a future meeting for approval.
A discussion is held about how frequently the TSC wants to meet, with options suggested including bi-weekly or monthly. Rough consensus appears to be around monthly, but that it could change as needed. There is a suggesting to have a rotating meeting time to accommodate multiple time zones.
Action: Douglas to poll for a meeting time for the next meeting April.
4. Reviewing status of sub projects (#2)
Action: Douglas to create an issue in the TSC repository for continuing discussion of subproject lifecycle. We will look to see what the PQCA TAC establishes for its project lifecycle and consider whether those levels are appropriate for our subprojects, or whether another classification (e.g., 3 tiers: fully supported, best effort, inactive) is better for us.
Douglas opens the floor to nominations for the representative from the OQS TSC to the PQCA TAC.
Thomas is nominated. No further nominations are received.
Decision: An approval vote for Thomas is held via Zoom DM to Ry. The vote passes.
Deferred to a later meeting.