To do: Convert my Desktop install webpage tips here
Start to build world&kernel:
cd /usr/src
make buildworld-jobs buildkernel-jobs
The generate the release media:
cd /usr/src/release
dd if=/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/release/memstick.img of=/dev/your-usb-stick bs=1M
Or VM image:
make WITH_VMIMAGES=yes VMFORMATS=raw VMSIZE=6g vm-image
- Builder is buildworld buildkernel, beinstall, testing
- if okay, all other servers NFS read-only mount the builder's /usr/src and /usr/obj (their /etc/src*.conf and /etc/make.conf are in sync)
To avoid all "Read-only file system" message, don't forget to set MAKE_OBJDIR_CHECK_WRITABLE=0 in your env
But in case of libc upgrade, the clients can't upgrade. Example on old-way that doesn't support ZFS BE:
make installkernel
/usr/obj/../make: Undefined symbol "__libc_start1@FBSD_1.7
Then we can install the new kernel with:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/lib/libc/ make -j 4 installkernel
etcupdate -p
And the make buildworld
will start working too, but as soon as it will replace your /lib/,
there is a risk it will crash your system :-(
So to prepare to ease the rescue by copy localy the new libc:
cp /usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/lib/libc/ /root
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/lib/libc/ make -j 4 installworld
If still alive, finish it with an etcupdate -B
, if not:
- It will reboot in single-user mode (with lot of libc error)
- from /rescue/sh copy the /root/ in /lib/
- reboot
- Restart the
make installworld
etcupdate -B
On a ZFS BE, the upgrade command is:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/lib/libc/ tools/build/
or with a missing
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/lib/libmd/ tools/build/
Great user guide.
brew install llvm
git clone freebsd
mkdir ~/freebsd.obj
cd freebsd
tools/build/ --help
MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=~/freebsd.obj tools/build/ -j $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) TARGET=arm64 TARGET_ARCH=aarch64 buildworld buildkernel
With SSD disks or all trim compliant (off by default):
zpool set autotrim=on $pool
Fixing mess with broken snapshot:
- Reboot, and in loader screen, choose previous be
- mount and fix your mess
- Broken "14.0-CURRENT-20230116.182721" (broken libc)
- So on the FreeBSD loader boot screen, selected previous BE
root@broken:~ # bectl list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Created
14.0-CURRENT-20220222.111913 - - 118M 2022-02-23 16:37
14.0-CURRENT-20221031.035546 N / 70.1M 2022-11-01 20:08
14.0-CURRENT-20230116.182721 R - 477G 2023-01-16 23:35
default - - 6.42G 2018-03-29 14:44
root@broken:~ # bectl mount 14.0-CURRENT-20230116.182721 /mnt/
Successfully mounted 14.0-CURRENT-20230116.182721 at /mnt/
root@broken:~ # cp /mnt/lib/ /mnt/lib/
root@broken:~ # bectl umount 14.0-CURRENT-20230116.182721
root@broken:~ # shutdown -r now "I've fixed my mess!"
To cleanup all unused BE (warning: Try no destructive method first):
bectl list | grep -v 'NR\|default\|BE' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs -L1 bectl destroy
Create a dataset named 'work' of your 'zroot' pool, mount it in /work, enable compression and encryption using a passphrase:
zfs create -o encryption=on -o compression=zstd keyformat=passphrase -o mountpoint=/work zroot/work
After a reboot to mount it:
zfs mount -l zroot/work
To unmount and unload the key:
zfs unmount -u /work
echo 'WITH_DEBUG_PORTS=devel/clinfo' >> /etc/make.conf
Or if using poudriere with jail named 'builder':
echo 'WITH_DEBUG_PORTS=devel/clinfo' >> /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/builder-make.conf
~/ipc-bench $ mkdir debug
~/ipc-bench $ cd debug/
~/ipc-bench/debug $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
~/ipc-bench/debug $ make
From which package this file came from ?
pkg which /usr/local/lib/
curl -v -d "nickname=$USER" -d "email=$USER@$(hostname)" -d "description=FreeBSD/$(uname -m) on $(kenv smbios.system.maker) $(kenv smbios.system.product)" -d "do=addd" --data-urlencode 'dmesg@/var/run/dmesg.boot'
Convert time zone, with 06:15 UTC, which hours in Los Angeles:
TZ=UTC date -z America/Los_Angeles -j 0615