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Linear ODE

A sample visualization for a medium sized configuration (a linear ODE with 8 states) can be seen here:

The table at the top of the figure compares among other things HMC wall times (my current implementation has additional overhead due to the extra I/O needed e.g. for PSIS). The plots show measurements, true ODE states and mean posterior ODE-states.

adaptive uses PSIS to adaptively refine an approximate solution to the ODE while stan_xxxx just uses the "exact" solution (obtained via one matrix exponential per time step). xxxx corresponds to the total number of warm-up iterations. The model itself only has two parameters (the ODE matrix is fixed), a time scale parameter and a measurement noise parameter.


Commented .stan code (examples/stan/linear_ode.stan)

functions {
  array[] vector exact_y(
      array[] real x_observed, matrix k_ode_matrix
    int no_observations = size(x_observed);
    int no_dimensions = rows(k_ode_matrix);
    array[no_observations] vector[no_dimensions] y_computed;
    real t = 0;
    vector[no_dimensions] y = rep_vector(1., no_dimensions);
    for(i in 1:no_observations){
      real dt = x_observed[i] - t;
      t += dt;
      y = matrix_exp(dt * k_ode_matrix) * y;
      y_computed[i] = y;
    return y_computed;

  array[] vector approximate_y(
      int no_steps, array[] real x_observed, matrix k_ode_matrix
    int no_observations = size(x_observed);
    int no_dimensions = rows(k_ode_matrix);
    array[no_observations] vector[no_dimensions] y_computed;
    real dt = x_observed[no_observations] / no_steps;
    real t = 0;
    vector[no_dimensions] last_y = rep_vector(1., no_dimensions);
    vector[no_dimensions] y = last_y;
    matrix[no_dimensions, no_dimensions] factor = matrix_exp(dt * k_ode_matrix);
    for(i in 1:no_observations){
      while(t < x_observed[i]){
        t += dt;
        last_y = y;
        y = factor * y;
      real xi = (x_observed[i] - (t - dt)) / dt;
      y_computed[i] = (1 - xi) * last_y + xi * y;
    return y_computed;
  array[] vector compute_y(
      int no_steps, array[] real x_observed, matrix k_ode_matrix
      if(no_steps == 0){
        return exact_y(x_observed, k_ode_matrix);
        return approximate_y(no_steps, x_observed, k_ode_matrix);
data {
  int no_observations;
  int no_dimensions;
  array[no_observations] real x_observed;
  matrix[no_dimensions, no_dimensions] ode_matrix;
  array[no_observations] vector[no_dimensions] y_observed;

  int no_steps;
  real likelihood;
parameters {
  real<lower=0> k;
  real<lower=0> sigma;
transformed parameters {
  array[no_observations] vector[no_dimensions] y_computed = compute_y(
    no_steps, x_observed, k * ode_matrix
model {
  k ~ lognormal(0,1);
  sigma ~ lognormal(-1,1);
    for(observation_idx in 1:no_observations){
      y_observed[observation_idx] ~ lognormal(log(y_computed[observation_idx]), sigma);

generated quantities {
  array[no_observations] vector[no_dimensions] y_generated;
  for(observation_idx in 1:no_observations){
    y_generated[observation_idx] = to_vector(
      lognormal_rng(log(y_computed[observation_idx]), sigma)

Commented .py code (examples/py/

# Needed for adaptive warm-up
from xstanpy.incremental import *
# Needed for plotting
from xstanpy.plot import *

# For proper compilation, $CMDSTAN has to point to our modified cmdstan version.
os.environ['CMDSTAN'] = '../cmdstan'

A Model object takes care of compilation and stores additional information about the model, e.g.

The models Model.compilation_process is a Command object which handles communication with the spawned subprocess. Its Command.debug method raises an error if the process has a non-zero returncode.

model = Model(
    # The "incremental" part of the warm-up incrementally doubles the data
    # that we condition on by successively doubling the (integer) values
    # of the keys of the `slice_variables` dictionary and
    # slicing along the first axis of the corresponding values.
    slice_variables={'no_observations': ('x_observed', 'y_observed')},
    # The "adaptive"  part of the warm-up doubles the specified `refinement_variable`
    # until the pareto smoothed estimate of the relative efficiency of the importance sampling
    # is above the threshold `relative_efficiency_goal` (default: .5)
# This raises an error if model compilation fails and prints stdout and stderr.

Our Stan model stan/linear_ode.stan solves a linear ordinary differential equation u'(t) = A u(t) with a prespecified matrix A and assumes lognormal measurement, implying that our states have to remain positive for all times. For our tests, we will generate random matrices. To ensure positivity of the ODE states, we restrict our random matrices to have only non-negative off-diagonal entries. Furthermore, as a simple sufficient condition for the existence of a well-behaved stable steady state we restrict the columns to sum to zero, which enforces something akin to mass conservation.

def random_flow_matrix(no_dimensions):
    rv = np.random.lognormal(size=(no_dimensions, no_dimensions))
    rv -= np.diag(np.diag(rv))
    rv -= np.diag(np.sum(rv, axis=0))
    return rv

We are interested in how the two approaches scale with the size of the system1. For this we look at systems with 2, 4, or 8 states. As we increase the number of states, the cost of each matrix exponential grows (cubically?) and begins to dominate the overall computational cost, such that our adaptive approximate approach quickly overtakes Stan's regular warm-up, if the latter uses the "exact" solution approach.

Running tests for larger systems takes a little bit longer, which is why we do not do this here.

configs = dict(
    # large=16,
    # larger=32
# We'll keep the number of observations constant
no_observations = 16
# For equidistant measurements computing a single matrix exponential and
# then reusing it at every step would be "exact", so we change it up a bit.
# x_observed will be a series of somewhat randomly increasing positive reals
# with the last value equal to one.
x_observed = np.cumsum(np.random.uniform(size=no_observations))
x_observed = x_observed / x_observed[-1]
# We save the fit information for all configurations in this DataFrame
full_df = pd.DataFrame()
# Loop over all configurations
for config_name, no_dimensions in configs.items():
    # Allows us to access {}
    config = Data(dict(no_dimensions=no_dimensions), name=config_name)
    # Set seed to zero for each configuration for reproducibility
    # We save the fit information for the current configuration in this DataFrame
    config_df = pd.DataFrame()
    # These are just the data that are passed to the prior sampling
    prior_data = dict(
        # scale our observation times by the number of ODE states, as larger
        # systems tend to approach equilibrium quicker
        # One randomly generated matrix per configuration
        # `y_observed` is irrelevant for prior sampling
        y_observed=np.zeros((no_observations, no_dimensions)),
        # no_steps = 0 means always use matrix exponentials, i.e. the "exact" solution
        # To sample from the prior we have to turn off the likelihood

A Posterior object is defined by specifying a Model object and a dict of data. The Posterior object handles metadata such as

    prior = Posterior(model, prior_data)

An HMC object saves the CmdStan's sample method output for several chains (default: 6). Among other thing it handles spawning several subproccess, accessible either via

  • HMC.raw_commands, if one wants more fine grained control, e.g. to specify a timeout, or
  • HMC.commands, which if accessed waits for all processes to finish and raises an error if any of the subprocesses encountered an error.

The HMC class provides several other convenience functions, such as

  • HMC.samples to access an object's SAMPLES (excluding WARM-UP draws),
  • HMC.draws to access an object's draws (INCLUDING warm-up draws)
  • HMC.stan_regular calls CmdStan's sample method with Stan's default arguments
    prior_fit = HMC.stan_regular(prior, warmup_no_draws=100, sampling_no_draws=100)

Both an HMC object's HMC.samples and HMC.draws properties return DrawsPool objects, which allow for some convenience functionalities. They allow for intuitive slicing across chains and chain properties. This is achieved by forwarding any attribute access which fails directly on the DrawsPool object to its subelements via its inherited Pool.__getattr__ method. In addition, DrawsPool objects inherit the following convenience properties from the Pool class:

  • Pool.array: returns the numpy concatenation of the object's subelements
  • Pool.tensor: returns the result of Pool.array reshaped such that its first axis has the same length as the original Pool object.

In practice, this enables us to e.g. access all the constrained parameter values of the HMC.samples

  • via prior_samples.constrained.array as an no_chains * no_draws x no_constrained_parameters numpy array or
  • via prior_samples.constrained.tensor as an no_chains x no_draws x no_constrained_parameters numpy array.

In addition, the same is possible for any variable defined in the parameters, transformed parameters or generated quantities block. For this model (stan/linear_ode.stan) we should be able to access e.g.

  • prior_fit.samples.k.array (no_chains * no_draws),
  • prior_fit.samples.sigma.tensor (no_chains x no_draws),
  • prior_fit.samples.y_computed.array (no_chains * no_draws x no_observations x no_dimensions),
  • prior_fit.samples.y_generated.tensor (no_chains x no_draws x no_observations x no_dimensions).
    prior_samples = prior_fit.samples
    for idx in np.random.choice(len(prior_samples.constrained.array), size=2):
        y_true = prior_samples.y_computed.array[idx]
        y_observed = prior_samples.y_generated.array[idx]
        posterior = prior.updated(dict(
        adaptive = Adaptive(
            callback=lambda sequence: print(sequence[-1].posterior.integer_data),

        fits = {
            'adaptive': adaptive,
        for warmup_no_draws in [200]:
            key = f'{warmup_no_draws:04d}'
            fits[f'stan_{key}'] = HMC.stan_regular(
            fits[f'psis_{key}'] = HMC.stan_regular(

        df = pd.DataFrame({
            name: fit.information for name, fit in fits.items()
        }).T.fillna(dict(relative_efficiency=1, pareto_shape_estimate=-np.inf))

        config_df = pd.concat([config_df, pd.concat({posterior.hash: df}, names=['posterior'])])
        suptitle = df.to_string(float_format='{:.2f}'.format)
        axes = [
                LinePlot(y_true[:, i], color='black', label='true values'),
                LinePlot(y_observed[:, i], marker='x', color='black', label='observations'),
            ] + [
                FillPlot(fit.samples.y_computed.array[:,:,i], alpha=.5, label=key)
                # LinePlot(np.mean(fit.samples.y_computed.array[:,:,i], axis=0), label=key)
                for key, fit in fits.items()
            ], yscale='log', show_legend=False)
            for i in range(no_dimensions)

Sample output










  1. Slightly more honestly, my approach performs worse than Stan's defaults for small systems, which if left to stand alone would make for a bad first impression. I think due to the low-dimensionality of the posterior, Stan's default works well and my warm-up introduces quite some overhead. The situation should be different for higher-dimensional and geometrically more challenging posteriors.