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A widget for organizing Barcamps in Matrix chat rooms


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Matrix BarCamp

CI Matrix

A widget for organizing Barcamps in Matrix chat rooms.

Lobby room Marking topic suggestions in the barcamp
Details view of the Barcamp session Space overview with multiple rooms

Learn more details about the design of the widget in the Background or the Architecture Decision Records.

How to Use

  1. Create a new Matrix Space.
  2. Create a “Lobby” room to plan your agenda. Tip: Emojis in room names “🗓 Lobby” make it easy to identify the room.
  3. Follow the steps at https://<widget-url> to setup the first room.
  4. Invite other users to the space, create your agenda, and enjoy your Barcamp.


Till now there is no officially hosted demo of the widget. See the Deployment section on how you can host the widget on your own.

Getting Started

Development on the widget happens at GitHub.

How to Contribute

Please take a look at our Contribution Guidelines. Check the following steps to develop for the widget:


You need to install Node.js (>= 20.0.0, prefer using an LTS version) and run yarn to work on this package. The minimal Element version to use this widget is 1.11.8.


After checkout, run yarn install to download the required dependencies.

Warning Do not use npm install when working with this package.


Rename the provided .env.local.default to .env.local and fill it with your configuration. For a list of available options, see Configuration.

Running the Widget Locally

Follow the instructions to run the widget locally. Visit http(s)://localhost:3000/ and follow the further instructions.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

  • yarn dev: Start the widget for development.
  • yarn start: Start the widget for development with a self-signed HTTPS certificate.
  • yarn build: Build the production version of the widget.
  • yarn test: Watch all files for changes and run tests.
  • yarn tsc: Check TypeScript types for errors in the widget.
  • yarn lint: Run eslint on the widget.
  • yarn prettier:write: Run prettier on all files to format them.
  • yarn depcheck: Check for missing or unused dependencies.
  • yarn deduplicate: Deduplicate dependencies in the yarn.lock file.
  • yarn changeset: Generate a changeset that provides a description of a change.
  • yarn translate: Update translation files from code.
  • yarn generate-disclaimer: Generates license disclaimer and include it in the build output.
  • yarn docker:build: Builds a container from the output of yarn build and yarn generate-disclaimer.
  • yarn e2e: Runs the end-to-end tests in a single browser. Pass --debug to enable the debug UI.


This package uses automated versioning. Each change should be accompanied by a specification of the impact (patch, minor, or major) and a description of the change. Use yarn changeset to generate a new changeset for a pull request. Learn more in the .changeset folder.

Once the change is merged to main, a “Version Packages” pull request will be created. As soon as the project maintainers merged it, the package will be released and the container is published.

Architecture Decision Records

We use Architecture Decision Records (ADR)s to document decisions for our software. You can find them at /docs/adrs.


Yon can run the widget using Docker:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080

Be sure, that you also read the security notes in the base image @matrix-widget-toolkit/widget-server docs.

We also provide a HELM chart.

Verify the Container Images

The container images releases are signed by cosign using identity-based ("keyless") signing and transparency. Execute the following command to verify the signature of a container image:

cosign verify \
--certificate-identity-regexp \
--certificate-oidc-issuer \<version> | jq


This project is licensed under APACHE 2.0.

The disclaimer for other OSS components can be accessed via the /NOTICE.txt endpoint. The list of dependencies and their licenses are also available in a maschine readable format at /usr/share/nginx/html/licenses.json in the container image.


ZIT SH      dPhoenixSuite      Dataport

The Zentrales IT-Management Schleswig-Holstein initiated and sponsored this project. This project is part of the dPhoenixSuite by Dataport.


A widget for organizing Barcamps in Matrix chat rooms



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