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Releases: nohwnd/Profiler


04 May 21:46
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Fixing some minor stuff:

  • Fix frequency calculation when it's lower than number of ticks per second
  • Fix output when we use scriptblock to show whole lines
  • Add more tests
  • Move some objects to classes (thanks @fflaten)



03 May 16:15
Choose a tag to compare

No forced -Preheat

PowerShell 7 profiling now works without -Preheat! You can use it to profile your profiles all you want. 🥳

pwsh -NoProfile -NoExit { $trace = Trace-Script { . $Profile } }


Tested on Windows, Linux and MacOS!

No file limitations

It no longer uses files as source of the source code, so it works with unsaved and unbound scriptblocks as well.

Breaking changes:

  • $trace.Files is removed, get in touch if you found it useful.
  • $trace.Top50 is removed, use $trace.Top50Duration it is the same thing.


30 Apr 20:32
Choose a tag to compare

Big rename

Duration is SelfDuration, and Duration has new meaning

In 1.0.0 Duration shown the amount of time a command took by itself but did not count the time it took to execute all the code it called. This is now called SelfDuration, and Duration is now how long the command took to return. To show that on example:

function a () { 
    # sleep for 1 second
    Start-Sleep 1


Function a takes 1 second to return from (Duration), but by itself takes <1ms (SelfDuration). Internally it calls Start-Sleep which also has Duration of 1 second because it takes 1 second to return from it. It calls into .NET which Profiler does not see, so the SelfDuration is also 1 second.


When improving performance Duration shows you which bigger parts of your code are slow, and SelfDuration which exact commands are slow. E.g. function Get-User is slow, because it internally calls 200 other commands which are each quite fast by themselves, but the time adds up because there are 200 of them.

Feature is now called Flag

-Feature is now called -Flag. Seems like a more to the point name.

See what is slow in the in a command

There is now ReturnIndex on every command, you can use that to see what happened during the command execution. See demo3 for full example:

# oooh call to function 'c' is slow
$slowLine = $trace.Top50 | Where-Object text -eq 'c'
$slowLine | Format-Table

# it was called just once (hit), and by itself (SelfDuration) takes < 1ms, but the code it calls 
# takes over 200 ms (Duration), let's see what happens in the meantime
$hit = $slowLine.Hits[0]
$trace.Events[$hit.Index..$hit.ReturnIndex] | Format-Table

# and if that is too many calls, let's see the top 50 from that that themselves take the most
$trace.Events[$hit.Index..$hit.ReturnIndex] | 
    Sort-Object -Descending SelfDuration | 
    Select-Object -First 50 | 