All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- config: add config module (aad97c6)
- core: add clock module (1bd0973)
- core: add memory module (8d80e78)
- core: add register file module (e8f1b2f)
- core: add register module (014ff1c)
- core: export all core (aeb3161)
- core: test 4 works (fab0996)
- core: test 5 working (9fcb162)
- errors: add NoError class to deal when no error is returned (193b3fc)
- fs: finish fs module (8a1ccec)
- input: add sample input file (355396b)
- instruction: create instruction module (782088d)
- main: add code to test features (d30bdb2)
- makefile: add function cbr (b38e2b7)
- makefile: add input file in makefile (b455556)
- parser: add parser module (cce1f01)
- util: add makefile (d3f2870)
- util: create error package (9ce774b)
- util: create util getFileNameCMD (19b2b82)
- utils: add function splitstring (369da2d)
- utils: add string utilities (abeea85)
- utils: add utility function replaceSpacesWith and replaceCommasWith (55e17bb)
- utils: add utility replaceCommaswithspace (ba10bba)
- utils: add utils for register (2e13c8f)