- Built-in middlewares
- ASP.NET Core ships with built-in middlewares
- Refer here for middleware sequence - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/middleware/?view=aspnetcore-8.0
- Custom middlewares
- We can create our own custom middlewares
- 3 main methods to execute middleware
- Use
- Run
- Map
- Use
- Purpose: Used to add middleware components to the pipeline.
- Usage: Sequentially adds middleware components to the pipeline.
- Example:
- Behavior: Calls the next middleware in the pipeline by invoking the next delegate.
- Map:
- Purpose: Defines a branch of the pipeline based on the request path.
- Usage: Allows you to create separate middleware pipelines for different URL paths.
- Example:
app.Map("/path1", branch =>
// Middleware for /path1
app.Map("/path2", branch =>
// Middleware for /path2
- Behavior: Branches the pipeline based on the specified path. The branch that matches the request path will be executed.
- Run:
- Purpose: Used to terminate the pipeline for a specific branch based on a condition.
- Usage: Typically used for short-circuiting the pipeline when no further middleware processing is required in that branch.
- Example:
app.Run(context =>
// Your logic to terminate the request
- Behavior: Does not call the next middleware in the pipeline. It's a way to terminate the request processing for a specific branch.
- In summary,
- Use is for adding middleware components
- Map is for branching the pipeline based on request paths
- Run is for terminating the pipeline for a specific branch.
- Depending on your application's requirements, you may use a combination of these methods to construct a middleware pipeline that suits your needs.
- Routes
- /short-circuit
- /use-when
- /map
- /map-when
- /ok
- /internal-server-error