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Ansible Role: infra


An Ansible role for infrastructure components as Docker containers. Handles tasks for deploying various services relating to self-hosting infrastructure.

Service Purpose Enabled by default
Pi-Hole DNS, Ad-block Yes
Graylog Log management Yes
Uptime-Kuma Uptime monitoring Yes
Vaultwarden Password management Yes
Authentik Identity management Yes
godns Dynamic DNS No
Wireguard Remote access VPN No
Unifi Unifi network management No
Wazuh Wazuh Security Platform No


$ ansible-galaxy install git+


Requires the role netr0m.svc

Role Variables

Available variables are listed in docs/ (see defaults/main.yml)

Minimal configuration [required]

Most of the defaults variables can be used as-is, but there are a few variables that must be set:

# Username of the user owning the files
svc_user_name: 'service_username'
# Group name of the group that should own the files
svc_group_name: 'service_groupname'

For this role

# If `infra_use_authentik` is true, then
# Secret key used for Authentik cookie signing
infra_authentik_secret_key: "some-long-random-string"
# Database password
infra_authentik_db_password: ""

# If `infra_use_graylog` is true, then
# Secret used to 'pepper' the passwords - make sure to change this BEFORE deploying.
infra_graylog_password_secret: "super-long-random-string-minimum-64-chars"
# Hash of the password used for the root user [run `echo -n yourpassword | shasum -a 256`]
infra_graylog_password_sha2: "sha256-sum-of-your-password"

# If `infra_use_wazuh` is true, then
# Password for the wazuh indexer 'admin' user (infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_user)
infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_password: ~
# Password for the wazuh indexer 'dashboard' user (infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_user)
infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_password: ~
# Password for the wazuh api user (infra_wazuh_api_user). NB: The password for Wazuh API users must be between 8 and 64 characters long. It must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter, a number, and a symbol.
infra_wazuh_api_password: ~

Recommended configuration changes

Set the Pi-Hole admin portal password

# Password for Pihole web UI. Autogenerated if not set.
infra_pihole_password: donkeys-gamble-on-broadway55


# Enable Wireguard
infra_use_wireguard: true
# Set the external domain name
infra_domain_ext: mydomain.tld

# Peers to create. See
  - laptop
  - desktop
  - phone


# Optionally enable godns for DDNS (if you have dynamic DNS)
infra_use_godns: true
# DNS provider to use
infra_godns_provider: Cloudflare
# Email address for the DNS provider account
infra_godns_email: ~
# Password/Global API key (cloudflare) for the DNS provider account
infra_godns_password: ~
# Token for the DNS provider account
infra_godns_token: ~
# List of domains and subdomains to update
  - domain_name: "{{ infra_domain_ext }}"
      - "{{ infra_wireguard_container_hostname }}"

See netr0m.svc - Recommended configuration changes for recommended changes (automated HTTPS and more).


See ansible-requirements.yml for a list


ansible-galaxy collection install -r ansible-requirements.yml
ansible-galaxy role install -r ansible-requirements.yml

Example Playbook

- name: Example Playbook
  hosts: all
  become: true
  gather facts: true

    - { role: netr0m.infra }


This project uses pre-commit.

Currently, there are three hooks:

To run pre-commit manually, run pre-commit run -a


To run pre-commit, you need three things:

  1. A virtual environment in the parent directory of this repository
  • $ python3 -m venv ../.venv
  • $ source ../.venv/bin/activate
  1. The Python dependencies (see requirements.txt)
  • $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Pre-commit hooks installed
  • $ pre-commit install

Updating the 'variables' docs

This project provides a script for generating markdown files representing ansible (YAML) variable definitions.

An example can be seen in docs/, which is generated from the variables defined in defaults/main.yml.

Running the script

To run the generator, issue the following command. If no parameters are specified, this will generate a markdown file based on the variables in defaults/main.yml, and write it to docs/

$ python3

# Display help message
$ python3 --help

# Specify alternative input and output paths
$ python3 --in-file vars/debian.yml --out-file docs/ --title "Debian Variables"



Author Information

This role was created in 2022 by netr0m