Allows to record models changes. It can be ActiveRecord models or any other. Observer for ActiveRecord are included, for other models you should write your own code. You should also take care where to store this changes.
We split all changes into actions. Action can be rails controller action or resque/sidekiq/rake task. Every action can have unlimited number af attributes. For controller action it can be current user id, response status and anything else.
There are thee main items in action_auditor structure:
- ActionObserver
- ModelsObserver
- Store
We offer some default implementation for each of them, but your are free to write your own.
ActionsObserver is a class or module, often mixin. It starts ActionAuditor at the beginning of action and stop at the end. No changes will be stored if ActionAuditor isn't started. It also stores action attributes related to the action. Action attributes can be stored from any place of code
You can use ActionAuditor::Controller for Rails controllers and RescueConcern for resque tasks or write your own.
require 'action_auditor/controller_concern'
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include ActionAuditor::ControllerConcern
ModelsObserver observe model changes and trigger ActionAuditor to to store them. To observe ActiveRecord changes your should add to config/application.rb
config.after_initialize do
require 'action_auditor/ar'
ActionAuditor::Ar.observe [MyModel1, MyModel2]
You can add this code for correct work after code reloading in development into config/environment/development.rb
ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_prepare do
ActionAuditor::Ar.observe [MyModel1, MyModel2]
You could write you own observer for non-ActiveRecord models.
The last part of the system is Store. We provide default store that save data to log file, but this gem were invented to store data to Postgres database. We don't privide such store becase it depends on how do your want to analize this data. You can set up the store in initializer with =
If you want to see some info logs from this gem you should also configure the logger
ActionAuditor.logger = Rails.logger