| 1 | +--- |
| 2 | +# Source: multus-cni/templates/daemonset.yaml |
1 | 3 | apiVersion: apps/v1
2 | 4 | kind: DaemonSet
3 | 5 | metadata:
| 6 | + name: kube-multus-ds |
| 7 | + namespace: kube-system |
4 | 8 | labels:
| 9 | + tier: node |
5 | 10 | app: multus
6 | 11 | name: multus
7 |
| - tier: node |
8 |
| - name: kube-multus-ds |
9 |
| - namespace: kube-system |
10 | 12 | spec:
11 | 13 | selector:
12 | 14 | matchLabels:
13 |
| - name: multus |
| 15 | + app: multus |
| 16 | + updateStrategy: |
| 17 | + type: RollingUpdate |
14 | 18 | template:
15 | 19 | metadata:
16 |
| - labels: |
17 |
| - app: multus |
18 |
| - name: multus |
19 |
| - tier: node |
| 20 | + annotations: |
20 | 21 | spec:
| 22 | + |
| 23 | + hostNetwork: true |
| 24 | + serviceAccountName: multus |
| 25 | + securityContext: |
| 26 | + fsGroup: 0 |
21 | 27 | affinity:
| 28 | + podAffinity: |
| 29 | + |
22 | 30 | nodeAffinity:
23 | 31 | requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
24 | 32 | nodeSelectorTerms:
25 | 33 | - matchExpressions:
26 |
| - - key: kubernetes.io/arch |
27 |
| - operator: In |
28 |
| - values: |
29 |
| - - arm64 |
30 | 34 | - key: kubernetes.io/os
31 | 35 | operator: In
32 | 36 | values:
33 |
| - - linux |
34 |
| - containers: |
35 |
| - - command: |
36 |
| - - /usr/src/multus-cni/bin/multus-daemon |
37 |
| - image: ghcr.io/k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni:v4.1.3-thick |
38 |
| - name: kube-multus |
39 |
| - resources: |
40 |
| - limits: |
41 |
| - cpu: 100m |
42 |
| - memory: 50Mi |
43 |
| - requests: |
44 |
| - cpu: 100m |
45 |
| - memory: 50Mi |
46 |
| - securityContext: |
47 |
| - privileged: true |
48 |
| - volumeMounts: |
49 |
| - - name: cni |
50 |
| - mountPath: /host/etc/cni/net.d |
51 |
| - # multus-daemon expects that cnibin path must be identical between pod and container host. |
52 |
| - # e.g. if the cni bin is in '/opt/cni/bin' on the container host side, then it should be mount to '/opt/cni/bin' in multus-daemon, |
53 |
| - # not to any other directory, like '/opt/bin' or '/usr/bin'. |
54 |
| - - name: cnibin |
55 |
| - mountPath: /opt/cni/bin |
56 |
| - - name: host-run |
57 |
| - mountPath: /host/run |
58 |
| - - name: host-var-lib-cni-multus |
59 |
| - mountPath: /var/lib/cni/multus |
60 |
| - - name: host-var-lib-kubelet |
61 |
| - mountPath: /var/lib/kubelet |
62 |
| - mountPropagation: HostToContainer |
63 |
| - - name: host-run-k8s-cni-cncf-io |
64 |
| - mountPath: /run/k8s.cni.cncf.io |
65 |
| - - name: host-run-netns |
66 |
| - mountPath: /run/netns |
67 |
| - mountPropagation: HostToContainer |
68 |
| - - name: multus-daemon-config |
69 |
| - mountPath: /etc/cni/net.d/multus.d |
70 |
| - readOnly: true |
71 |
| - - name: hostroot |
72 |
| - mountPath: /hostroot |
73 |
| - mountPropagation: HostToContainer |
74 |
| - env: |
75 |
| - - name: MULTUS_NODE_NAME |
76 |
| - valueFrom: |
77 |
| - fieldRef: |
78 |
| - fieldPath: spec.nodeName |
79 |
| - hostNetwork: true |
80 |
| - hostPID: true |
| 37 | + - linux |
| 38 | + priorityClassName: "" |
81 | 39 | initContainers:
82 | 40 | - name: install-multus-binary
83 |
| - image: ghcr.io/k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni:v4.1.3-thick |
| 41 | + image: docker.io/bitnami/multus-cni:3.9.3 |
84 | 42 | command:
85 |
| - - "cp" |
86 |
| - - "/usr/src/multus-cni/bin/multus-shim" |
87 |
| - - "/host/opt/cni/bin/multus-shim" |
88 |
| - resources: |
89 |
| - requests: |
90 |
| - cpu: "10m" |
91 |
| - memory: "15Mi" |
| 43 | + - cp |
| 44 | + - "/usr/src/multus-cni/bin/multus" |
| 45 | + - "/bitnami/multus-cni/host/opt/cni/bin" |
92 | 46 | securityContext:
93 | 47 | privileged: true
94 |
| - terminationMessagePolicy: FallbackToLogsOnError |
| 48 | + runAsNonRoot: false |
| 49 | + runAsUser: 0 |
95 | 50 | volumeMounts:
96 |
| - - name: cnibin |
97 |
| - mountPath: /host/opt/cni/bin |
| 51 | + - name: cni-bin-dir |
| 52 | + mountPath: /bitnami/multus-cni/host/opt/cni/bin |
98 | 53 | mountPropagation: Bidirectional
99 |
| - serviceAccountName: multus |
100 |
| - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10 |
101 |
| - tolerations: |
102 |
| - - effect: NoSchedule |
103 |
| - operator: Exists |
| 54 | + - name: generate-kubeconfig |
| 55 | + image: docker.io/bitnami/multus-cni:3.9.3 |
| 56 | + command: |
| 57 | + - generate-kubeconfig |
| 58 | + args: |
| 59 | + - "-k8s-service-host=$(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST)" |
| 60 | + - "-k8s-service-port=$(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT)" |
| 61 | + - "-cni-config-dir=/bitnami/multus-cni/host/etc/cni/net.d" |
| 62 | + securityContext: |
| 63 | + privileged: true |
| 64 | + runAsNonRoot: false |
| 65 | + runAsUser: 0 |
| 66 | + volumeMounts: |
| 67 | + - name: cni-net-dir |
| 68 | + mountPath: /bitnami/multus-cni/host/etc/cni/net.d |
| 69 | + mountPropagation: Bidirectional |
| 70 | + containers: |
| 71 | + - name: kube-multus |
| 72 | + image: docker.io/bitnami/multus-cni:3.9.3 |
| 73 | + imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" |
| 74 | + command: |
| 75 | + - multus-daemon |
| 76 | + args: |
| 77 | + - "-cni-version=0.3.0" |
| 78 | + - "-cni-config-dir=/bitnami/multus-cni/host/etc/cni/net.d" |
| 79 | + - "-multus-autoconfig-dir=/bitnami/multus-cni/host/etc/cni/net.d" |
| 80 | + - "-multus-log-to-stderr=true" |
| 81 | + - "-multus-log-level=verbose" |
| 82 | + securityContext: |
| 83 | + privileged: true |
| 84 | + runAsNonRoot: false |
| 85 | + runAsUser: 0 |
| 86 | + env: |
| 87 | + - name: BITNAMI_DEBUG |
| 88 | + value: "false" |
| 89 | + envFrom: |
| 90 | + livenessProbe: |
| 91 | + exec: |
| 92 | + command: |
| 93 | + - pgrep |
| 94 | + - multus-daemon |
| 95 | + initialDelaySeconds: 10 |
| 96 | + periodSeconds: 10 |
| 97 | + timeoutSeconds: 5 |
| 98 | + successThreshold: 1 |
| 99 | + failureThreshold: 5 |
| 100 | + resources: |
| 101 | + limits: {} |
| 102 | + requests: {} |
| 103 | + volumeMounts: |
| 104 | + - name: cni-net-dir |
| 105 | + mountPath: /bitnami/multus-cni/host/etc/cni/net.d |
104 | 106 | volumes:
105 |
| - - hostPath: |
106 |
| - path: /etc/cni/net.d |
107 |
| - name: cni |
108 |
| - - hostPath: |
109 |
| - path: /opt/cni/bin |
110 |
| - name: cnibin |
111 |
| - - name: hostroot |
112 |
| - hostPath: |
113 |
| - path: / |
114 |
| - - name: multus-daemon-config |
115 |
| - configMap: |
116 |
| - name: multus-daemon-config |
117 |
| - items: |
118 |
| - - key: daemon-config.json |
119 |
| - path: daemon-config.json |
120 |
| - - name: host-run |
121 |
| - hostPath: |
122 |
| - path: /run |
123 |
| - - name: host-var-lib-cni-multus |
124 |
| - hostPath: |
125 |
| - path: /var/lib/cni/multus |
126 |
| - - name: host-var-lib-kubelet |
127 |
| - hostPath: |
128 |
| - path: /var/lib/kubelet |
129 |
| - - name: host-run-k8s-cni-cncf-io |
130 |
| - hostPath: |
131 |
| - path: /run/k8s.cni.cncf.io |
132 |
| - - name: host-run-netns |
133 |
| - hostPath: |
134 |
| - path: /run/netns/ |
135 |
| - |
136 |
| - updateStrategy: |
137 |
| - type: RollingUpdate |
| 107 | + - name: cni-bin-dir |
| 108 | + hostPath: |
| 109 | + path: /opt/cni/bin |
| 110 | + - name: cni-net-dir |
| 111 | + hostPath: |
| 112 | + path: /etc/cni/net.d |
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