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63 lines (50 loc) · 2.96 KB

Pizzeria App 🍕

Dynamic website created as exercise for Web Developer Bootcamp in Kodilla (Module 8.2).


Coming soon.

More info about launch/installation coming soon.

Live demo and setup for development

Live on Heroku:


If you want to run this app at your local machine you have to clone this repository or just download zip file and unzip it locally. This is up to you. If you decide to clone this repo, you should use the below command in your command line tool:

git clone

After, move to the main folder of the app and use the following command which retrieves all dependencies necessary to build our application:

npm install

If the previous commands was executed successfully, it's time to start the app with the following command:

npm watch

As a result you should be taken to a browser with application running on localhost. Now you are ready to work!


Project is created with:

  • HTML
  • Sass for CSS
  • Javascript
  • Handlebars.js for templating engine handlebars
  • flatpickr.js for datepicker in booking flatpickr
  • rangeslider.js for slider in booking rangeSlider
  • Swiper for carousel on main page Swiper
  • json-server for fake REST API to simulate backend json-server
  • custom npm task runner

Clean code

  1. General editing is linted with editorconfig which helps with basic editing such as tabs vs spaces. You can see the rules in .editorconfig file here.
  2. HTML: HTML validation is done with html-validate.
  3. Styles: Sass (and CSS) is linted with stylelint. You can see the rules in .styleintrc.json file here.
  4. JS: Javascript is linted with ESLint. You can see the rules in .eslintrc.json file here.


  • add more styling
  • add more RWD
  • verify/implement browser compatibility
  • add handling user clicking edit product button in Cart (now working as if it was a remove button)
  • new feature: change logic for repeating events not to block available dates before start
  • new feature: move info for booking page (number and location of tables, starters) from handelbars template to fake API
  • new feature: set min/max number of people to be able to book given table

Project status

In progress.


Coming soon.