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File metadata and controls

158 lines (130 loc) · 4.31 KB


If you get stuck but need the results from a previous exercise to continue, you can have a look in the solutions folder

Excercise 1

modularise the app functionality:

  • basically, rewrite the functionality of the below app in a module
  • write a module that displays a dataset as a DT table. If the summary checkbox is ticked, instead of the raw data show the summary table based on the summary_column selection
  • the module should have a dataset input argument (hint: think about which of the module UI/server functions need this argument)
  • write an app that shows the table for the mtcars, diamonds and CO2 dataset
  • for this, use the module
data(diamonds, package = "ggplot2")

ui <- fluidPage(
    inputId = "summary",
    label = "show summary",
    value = FALSE
    inputId = "summary_column",
    label = "summary based on:",
    choices = colnames(mtcars)
    outputId = "table"

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  table_data <- reactive({
    if (input$summary) {
      data <- mtcars %>% 
        group_by(.data[[input$summary_column]]) %>% 
        summarise(counts = n())
    } else {
      data <- mtcars
  output$table <- renderDT({

shinyApp(ui, server)

Exercise 2

  • rewrite the code from exercise 1 so that the module does not have a summary checkboxInput
  • instead there is only one summary checkboxInput in the main app
  • rewrite the module from exercise 1 so that it has an additional summary argument where you pass the summary value from the main app
  • now all datasets should change from raw view to summary view simultaneously

Exercise 3a

  • rewrite the code from exercise 2 so that the module returns the selected column name reactively
  • in the main app, use this module for mtcars
  • in the main app, show the column name that is selected in the module in a textOutput

Exercise 3b

  • rewrite the code from exercise 3a so that the module also returns the mean of the selected column
  • to calculate the mean within the module, use a reactive, e.g. mean_column <- reactive({})
  • in the main app, show the mean of the selected column in a textOutput below the column name

Exercise 3c

if you didn't do the two previous exercises:

  • rewrite the code from exercise 2 so that the module returns the selected column name reactively and also the mean of the selected column
  • to calculate the mean within the module, use a reactive, e.g. mean_column <- reactive({})

if you did the previous exercises, start with the code from exercise 3b:

  • write another module that takes a dataset (non reactive) and a selected column name (reactive) as inputs and plots a boxplot of the selected column
  • in the main app, use these two modules for mtcars so that the column that is selected in the table module is passed to the plot module

Exercise 4

  • write an app where you can dynamically add the graph2 module
  • the main app should have a selectInput where you can choose a column name from the mtcars dataset and an actionButton to add a module
  • when the module is created, the module should include the selected column at creation time and shouldn't change afterwards (not reactive!)


  • include a mechanism so that the added modules have unique IDs

graph2_UI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    id = id,
      inputId = ns("plottype"),
      label = "plot type",
      choices = c("boxplot", "histogram")
      outputId = ns("plot_1")

graph2_server <- function(id, column) {
    function(input, output, session) {
      output$plot_1 <- renderPlot({
        p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = .data[[column]]))
        if (input$plottype == "boxplot") {
          p <- p + geom_boxplot()
        } else {
          p <- p + geom_histogram()

Exercise 5

  • extend the code from exercise 4 so that it now also includes an actionButton to remove the last added module
  • the removal should work repeatedly until no module is left
  • one should be possible to add modules at any point


  • the module id naming needs to be sequential